ISO: tips and advice on inground pools...

xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
First off, thanks for taking the time to read this far into my post. 😁

I need advice and any tips you may have on inground's my situation, and the issues I need help with...

14ft-15 ft in ground heated salt water pool...had not been drained in over 5 years...needless to say it was quite the task getting it to the point I am at now. Drained, all debris removed and somewhat white, one small crack about 5-8 in long...very superficial...some kind of calcium/crusty deposits around the tile on the perimeter(i've tried a lot of things with a scraper, wire brushes, etc ...haven't had any progress)...advice on pool paint, and prep for that...or a good pool place that won't charge me and arm and leg. .problem is my house is in a town of 324 people...yes...pop.324...I have no experienced pool people or retail stores within 75 miles...please help of you can. Take care tata xoxo