Guys first time

Do you wish you had spent some quality time with a prostitute for your first time?
Randall Creed's Avatar

Your 'first time' should be with that boy or girl in your neighborhood that you thought was cute, one that only lasts a couple minutes, where both of you were nervous as hell (and excited) and worried about getting caught. One that was 'pretty good', but you could've done better.

By the time you start visiting escorts, it should be for convenience.
first time with a prostitute isn't desirable, because she won't give a shit about you
Just think how much you would learn from a provider. I would bet there are a bunch of providers that would enjoy teaching some young guy how to make love to a woman. I know my married life would have been better.
DocHolyday's Avatar
IMHO, I'm thinking how much more useful this bandwidth could've been put to use for.
I guess you don't realize how luxurious the back seat of a Ford Gran Torino can be....
Nah, I think most whores would rather bang an old man than a virgin.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Noop. Wouldn’t change a thing about my first except maybe sooner in life (19). It was with a lady 10 years older than me. Highly recommended.
Nah, I think most whores would rather bang an old man than a virgin. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Yup. I like a man to have some miles and experience on him. It makes him a better lover.

I don’t care what you look like. I care how you make me feel.
Girls don't want to teach guys how to have sex. They want you to already know how to please them and to fuck them completely without hesitation. Men are the providers. So, unless you're losing your virginity with a girl who is inexperienced, she's not going to be into it. Obviously, prostitutes are not inexperienced.

I used to think that women would be intrigued by virginity, because it's less common, but they don't like it. A lot of women would probably consider virginity a "deal breaker." Telling a girl you're a virgin is a quick and easy way to enter the friend zone.
Guest010619's Avatar
I like spending time talking, and not just chatting before a session… but even some pillow talk afterwards and then getting back in action again.
That's what everybody does.
Guest010619's Avatar
As for my first time, it was in the company of a very sensual woman who no one has yet matched. She almost made me climax just by talking to me.
My ex-girlfriend was a sensual force to be reckoned with and is also unmatched by anyone else since.
burkalini's Avatar
I hate to admit it but my father was stationed in Japan so when I was 13 I went to the town outside the base at Yokota japan and paid 450 yen ( About a $1.40 at that time) and lost my cherry to a 25 year old hooker. I think I lasted about 60 seconds. So I guess you can say I have been in the hobby over 40 years. lol
OK I see how this is going. In my youth (late 50s) Most went to their wedding bed as virgins. In that case neither me or my wife Had any idea of what to do or expect. Today girls have sex at 14 and by the time they marry they have had sex with many guys. The question I brought up in this thread was predicated on my life. So let me say if I had visited a prostitute and she had taught me what and how I would have been a better husband. It makes me sad that I could have given my wife a better experience in bed.