Tip or gift


Sometimes you are running late to meet the lady, or you don't have time to "shop". But I know a lot of ladies list some of their favorite things in their showcase, and what they would like as gifts.

So if you have a spare $25 etc., what would you do time permitting give her the cash or by a bottle of her favorite wine?

And ladies which do you prefer?
Wine cuz I could drink some with her and relax .
greyghost48's Avatar
I would go with the cash. It's quicker simpler and she can use it as she likes. I sometimes use P411 gift points.
  • Pmon
  • 10-21-2017, 11:18 PM
I've done both, but don't do gifts unless it's someone I see repeatedly. I prefer cash because, as greyghost points out, it's simpler and most seem to need it.
SweetestOne's Avatar
Amazon gift cards or Prepaid Visa Cards are my favorite as i can use them both for anything
I am a good tipper, but only in situations that calls for tipping. Waitresses, waiters, concierge, pizza delivery guy, etc. These people work for minimum wage or less and need tips to make ends meet, they in essence work for tips.

Here no one works for tip, truth is she makes a great hourly rate. I bring wine or hor deurves or both but to my liking, it is my time I am spending money for, she is working, I am there for me and if she likes me or not is not my concern, even they all seem to like me. I do not tip providers or gift, that is me though, no judgment.
I am a good tipper, but only in situations that calls for tipping. Waitresses, waiters, concierge, pizza delivery guy, etc. These people work for minimum wage or less and need tips to make ends meet, they in essence work for tips.

Here no one works for tip, truth is she makes a great hourly rate. I bring wine or hor deurves or both but to my liking, it is my time I am spending money for, she is working, I am there for me and if she likes me or not is not my concern, even they all seem to like me. I do not tip providers or gift, that is me though, no judgment. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
I pretty much am the same except the only thing I bring with me are a few condoms and some lube never wine or horderves. I feel the same about tipping although I am not overly generous with tips to the service industry I give a straight 20% and extra if the service was exceptional. I have on occasion giving a tip to a lady who went above and beyond but its rare.

I have been told by ladies that I need to get a move on because so and so is on his way and he is a good tipper. So tipping does get you better service. As it is I struggle to pay the basic rate so I think the ladies I see know they wont be seeing a tip.

There are some young girls I see who are very poor and truly struggling usually single moms. I do things to help them when I can like buy groceries or pay for a dentist visit or whatever it is they could really use. I am not cold hearted and feel very blessed so I have no problem helping someone out who really needs it.
Guitar's Avatar
You's they Suggadaddy, then BC. Good grief. BC, Poontang General, Suggadaddy,... we can't come up with enough nicknames for you. Maybe STUD. That probably covers all the above. Either way, U and RL are my hero's on here. Not sure If I could ever fill yall's shoes.
You's they Suggadaddy, then BC. Good grief. BC, Poontang General, Suggadaddy,... we can't come up with enough nicknames for you. Maybe STUD. That probably covers all the above. Either way, U and RL are my hero's on here. Not sure If I could ever fill yall's shoes. Originally Posted by Guitar

I more like a splenda daddy. I dont have the cash to be a full on sugardaddy like RL. The only thing larger than RL's dick is his bank account. They say he has enough money to buy all the MS boys an overnighter with our favorite two ladies from the board. I am putting in my request right now. RL for my free overnight doubles session your going to pay for I request Sophia and Marly. I want to lil spinners to play with all night on your dime. Thanks RL its very kind of you to hook a brother up with some free poon

BC, I'm going to remember you in my Will. Just think, one day I'll croak, the Will gets read and there it is in bold letters "BassCat? Yeah I remember him."
Hey I will hold you to it. Have your attorney contact me via whatever hooker board is around in 30 years and I will gladly enjoy a doubles in your honor. You better start saving now because by then its liable to cost 10k for a night with two young ladies.
I didn't say anything about money only going to say that I remembered you.

I'm a bastard like that.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I didn't say anything about money only going to say that I remembered you.

I'm a bastard like that. Originally Posted by Road Lizard
Nice play RL.
Well if I were old like you and likely to keel over on top a young hooker at any second I would leave you enough money for a poontacular evening. But since your old as dirt and I am still wet behind the ears I think chances are you will go first lol
Let me get a good charge on my Walmart scooter and I'm coming over to your place and run over your toes then drive off with the left blinker on...