My Phone F.Y.I.

Okay boys and girls,

I am having EXTREME technical difficulties with my phone today. Let it be known that it did NOT fall into any toilets!

I am headed out the door in about 20 minutes to obtain a new one where all my data and everything will be transferred so do not despair.

I apologize for any inconvenience if you have been trying to reach me but it will be remedied soon. In the meanwhile, feel free to drop me a PM or email.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

I got me a iPhone sweetie
Now i can be hip like V
Maybe you can show me how to work this damn thing...lmao
Well I got mine all back up and running and yes, piquant, you are VERY cool now! LOL!

I would be happy to show you what I know but I have to admit that this phone is smarter than I am! I haven't even GOTTEN to the point of loading any music yet!

Darlin' come see me and we can sync our phones together...