I’ve been thinking about it a lot tonight… I guess in large part due to the waterproof vibrator Nukeman bought me for Christmas. That thing is so amazing, hon! Thank you again.

Very nice pics. Except for the vibrator one, lol. In my experience, sex in a hot tub or pool is best in the movies. It’s not all that great in real life. Give it a try, you may have better results. Originally Posted by jim1995I would think it a bit dangerous to get all worked up in that hot of an environment. sex in water in general isn't all that great lubrication tends to get washed out so to speak.
Im curious how female condoms would work in the hot tub.. any experience Ginger? Originally Posted by Singlemomslyer2.0No experience at all with female condoms in the hot tub. And now they’re nowhere to be found. If anyone manages to find some, let me know where!
Sexy pics, Miss Ginger!Yes, we had a lot of foreplay in the tub... And we sure initiated the deck! But I meant actual sex in the tub.
But, are you forgetting the last time I came to see you and Jane? If I recall correctly, there was plenty of action in and around the tub... Originally Posted by JdeHog