A question for the guys

Guys: when you give a lady your references, how often have you been contacted by a lady you’ve seen before offering you a discount to see her instead of the lady she’s supposed to be providing a reference to?

I know that I’ve asked providers for a reference and then never heard from the guy again. I was talking to a provider friend and she said that two different guys have told her that their reference offered a discount, rather than giving a good reference.

I can honestly say that I’ve never offered a guy a discount to see me again - I’ve always given a current client a valid reference. I say ‘current’ because I’ve had quite a few gentlemen try to use me as a 2-year+ plus reference. I’m sorry, but I deleted all of my contacts prior to my year of retirement bliss. But I digress. To me the hobby is about variety, and while I may lose money to another provider, I just can’t consciously hoard clients. If a guy only wanted to fuck one woman, he’d stay home with his wife.


Can’t wait for the board trolls to give their two cents on this one (*eye roll*).
Hell babe, I would pay extra to see you again....������
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-13-2018, 06:11 PM
Guys: when you give a lady your references, how often have you been contacted by a lady you’ve seen before offering you a discount to see her instead of the lady she’s supposed to be providing a reference to? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I have never had that happen. However I have heard it does. To try and prevent any issues--and because I have references in a number of different cities--I will always use references in city X if I am trying to see a lady in city Y.

Or just use P411.
Jennatx's Avatar
I have heard the same from men and ladies. I never have offered a discount to try to lear the guy away.
I am a lover not a fighter!
I agree most men want variety.
I love variety also men and ladies xoxo
scsholar's Avatar

I've never had this issue. The majority of providers I have met have likely looked at my profile history as well as following simple instructions usually pays off.

Personally, I never base providers on things like weight or cbj/bbbj. I base mine on personality. Redheads, Greek and Latinas will have me do a double take.

Having said that, Kickrocks is right. Hobby is a dirty business:

How you treat those prior, during and especially AFTER sessions will play a big role. More providers IMO should study marketing and economics to impact their brand more positively.
CubanAva's Avatar
That makes sense of the 30+ ladies I’ve contacted and never heard back from them or the client. Ha! Sneaky. Guess doing alt screening is the way to go. I wouldn’t have even thought to do something like that, even in desperate times.
pyramider's Avatar
Guys: when you give a lady your references, how often have you been contacted by a lady you’ve seen before offering you a discount to see her instead of the lady she’s supposed to be providing a reference to?

I know that I’ve asked providers for a reference and then never heard from the guy again. I was talking to a provider friend and she said that two different guys have told her that their reference offered a discount, rather than giving a good reference.

I can honestly say that I’ve never offered a guy a discount to see me again - I’ve always given a current client a valid reference. I say ‘current’ because I’ve had quite a few gentlemen try to use me as a 2-year+ plus reference. I’m sorry, but I deleted all of my contacts prior to my year of retirement bliss. But I digress. To me the hobby is about variety, and while I may lose money to another provider, I just can’t consciously hoard clients. If a guy only wanted to fuck one woman, he’d stay home with his wife.


Can’t wait for the board trolls to give their two cents on this one (*eye roll*). Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

The ladies I use for references are more than happy for me to other ladies. I am not sure if that is a good thing ...
Britttany_love's Avatar
I'm sure it happens more often than we know. I have had it happen twice that I know of and it is because the gentleman wrote me back to let me know what the other girl did. He declined her offer and still saw me. If they guy wanted to see you he would have booked with you many like a variety. I love to share and will be the first to recommend other ladies when I can. That's the best part of the hobby, everyone is free to see whomever they want whenever they want. Providers it is also not ok to contact a gentlemen and get pissed off that they are seeing someone else. Quit being petty and trying to make them feel guilty. I have heard on more than one occasion about these texts/private messages being sent to them after verification. You are not a spouse or girlfriend and quit acting like you own them. This makes you look horrible.
CubanAva's Avatar
I'm sure it happens more often than we know. I have had it happen twice that I know of and it is because the gentleman wrote me back to let me know what the other girl did. He declined her offer and still saw me. If they guy wanted to see you he would have booked with you many like a variety. I love to share and will be the first to recommend other ladies when I can. That's the best part of the hobby, everyone is free to see whomever they want whenever they want. Providers it is also not ok to contact a gentlemen and get pissed off that they are seeing someone else. Quit being petty and trying to make them feel guilty. I have heard on more than one occasion about these texts/private messages being sent to them after verification. You are not a spouse or girlfriend and quit acting like you own them. This makes you look horrible. Originally Posted by Britttany_love

the last part!!!!!!! Smh
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Hell, Ah had gals not give meh a ref'rence cuz they wuz ashamed ta admit thet they'd seen meh. Sum o' them prolly blockedt out tha mem'ry o' seein' me cuz o' tha ee-moshunal scars frum seein' meh nekkid. PTSD is tricky thet way.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Had you accepted my management offer you wouldn't have these issues.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-13-2018, 11:02 PM
Had you accepted my management offer you wouldn't have these issues. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Probably because she would be with your mom and dad now.
Don't hate the player, hate the game. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Them whores won't win at the game ijs
The guy pays your ass for a session so you should have enough respect to give a reference.. This is a fucking Buisness nothing more nothing less.. They're here for variety so for a whore to get mad they want to see other whores is fucking crazy period.. If you're that hung up YOU'RE not whore material and need to find some other way to make money period.. Shit is ridiculous its sad honestly...