Review BABY NC/NS in Meridian

5025zero's Avatar
Date: 03/01/2018
Provider: Baby
User ID: 311088
Phone: Unknown
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Meridian
State: Mississippi
Address: -
Appointment Type: -
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: NONE
Session Length: 1
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: I don't Know
Age: N/A
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: They say she has a great body. I hope to one day find out
Recommendation: -
DocHolyday's Avatar
No meeting. Not a review. Belongs in Co-Ed.
Moved to Coed.
Sorry that happened to you. When this happens to me I never contact that lady back again. If she cannot be professional enough to stay in contact with appts. then she does not get my cash.

I have seen her and she is fun, she is real. Amazing body! One of the best looking women on here. But still no pussy is worth her ignoring me and than trying to still see her.

Hookers are not known for their reliability. But neither are Johns. My first appt. She contacted me two or three times to make sure I would be there. So seems a little strange to me. She emailed and texted me, the day prior and day of appt. I am not special to her, not a friend, just a plain old client. A man with cash, nothing wrong with that, I like the realness about her.
I have seen her many times and never once had an issue. I hope she makes it up to you at some point. She really is the absolute best provider I have ever met hands down. I would camp out in line for days like at a star wars premiere just to suck a fart out of her ass so I might be a little biased. Sorry this happened to you I hope she trys to make it up.
I'm with bass cat u never know what might have happened but outing a hot ass provider isn't going to help you get to see her or for another fact! The other providers see what u say so they will be leery of u! My mother told me if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.
Baby is one of the best providers on eccie,she sucks when it comes to appointments,but when you get a hold of her,she will make you forgot about the nsnc,I have seen her a bunch,as well as been stood up a bunch.I have learned to accept it and wait for the next time,she is super hot and fun
As much a baby fanboy I am I cant fault the op for telling it like it happened. I dont think he showed any malice towards baby so I see no fault in him stating the facts.

That said I would guess that it would have been better to wait to hear back from her before posting for the world to see. Not that there is any harm in doing so he is well within his rights to do so.

Thing is she might have had a legit reason for going dark and by not waiting to hear from her before making a public post she might choose not to see you in the future. As bad as a ncns once is a lifetime of never knowing baby is infinitely worse. I am talking borderline worth taking your own life over. You say that is a bit extreme then I say if you have ever been with her you know that very few women on earth provide at the level she does. I personally cant think of a single better lay I have ever had in my life both in and out the hobby. She is that good.

So to me I would have waited to talk to her even if it took a week or two to get a response. Hopefully things work out and at some point you get to see her and you can join the baby fanboy club like me and BigChief and every other swinging dick who has ever seen her.

Worst case you miss out on the single greatest piece of ass of your entire life over posting way to soon without every hearing her side of the story.

Like I said before I a might be a tad biased on baby that girl has some kind of crazy power over ole BassCat its like she is some kind of voodoo high priestess with a basscat doll that she rubs the genitals on every few days and it makes me wonder around in a baby poon trance for weeks after seeing her. I swear if she let me I would follow her around like a puppy. I even tired it a few times but she shooed me away with a rolled up newspaper. Such is life you cant have everything well unless your really wealthy young and good looking then the world is your oyster
5025zero's Avatar
I was not trying to out her or say anything bad about her. I do hope to see her and make it up. I am sure that there was some reason.
5025zero's Avatar
I don't think I have said anything bad or disrespectful about Baby, and I never would without seeing her, and then I know there is nothing disrespectful to say about her. She has nothing but great reviews and I know she is a great lady. I was just hoping to make contact with her in some form. Like I said I have sent her several emails and PM's. I do hope to hear from her and hope that she is ok.
Couldn’t reach her either-she’s off my list as well
5025zero's Avatar
To be clear I have never stated that she is off my list. I am really hoping that she is Okay
nothing wrong with telling the truth that's why I am here! I want to hear about the woman and not sugar coated or lied to about her skills! All I'm saying is you catch more flies with honey
5025zero's Avatar
For all interested know that Baby has contacted me and we are in good graces and plan to meet soon.