I am a provider who DOESN'T require reference fee... Hmm, never heard of that rule, so i'm guessing that's new? Originally Posted by TaylorKissesIt's not a rule, but here's the thread where it was discussed to provide some context:
When this was brought up in the other thread it was for suggested for older references beyond 1 year or whatever time frame providers see as appropriate. Although I can understand the reasoning here, I think it is a bad idea to bring money into the reference system. Sooner or later, someone will be desperate and provide a paid reference for someone they haven't actually seen. This will eventually get someone hurt or worse if this becomes a thing. Originally Posted by bigjohn001
I think it is a bad idea to bring money into the reference system. Sooner or later, someone will be desperate and provide a paid reference for someone they haven't actually seen. This will eventually get someone hurt or worse if this becomes a thing. Originally Posted by bigjohn001I agree that this will happen. I thought references were for safety, not a revenue stream. Money must be more important to some than safety.