Hotel Room Q...

I know we often talk about cell phone tracking issues. Does anyone worry with hotel rooms as an identity trail?
1. Is there any way to book a room say in a different name but pay for it with your card?
2. Is it possible to have a credit card with a fake name if you keep it current?
3. No fear is worse than somehow being tracked down and the wrong(SO) come knocking on your rooms door.
4. I haven’t used my hobby name or email address with rooms because they would then link to the RW me.
**So now I have to camouflage my hotel expenses.

Any commentary or discussion is appreciated.

Not sure if this the proper Forum🤔, but it’s not hobby related!
I have considered getting a fake ID. It's not just for the kids! I wouldn't try to get a bank account or credit card with it though. Just book through or Priceline and use anprepaid card and anonymous email and the trail should be difficult for anyone without a warrant
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Really depends on who you are trying to keep off of your trail. If it’s an SO, there are a couple of things you can do to help hide your tracks. Most legit hotels are going to have you show some form of GOV issued ID at check in, most of which will not diclose their booking guest list to someone “snooping” around. Call the hotel directly to make a reservation, you will have to book with a CC, but you can pay in cash at check in, or a name brand prepaid card to keep the charges off your real CC. Just inquire if they put the charge on your card immediately upon reservation, most do not. Usually the only ones that do are high demand, like resorts etc.

Park your vehicle somewhere away from the hotel, big chain store or shopping mall. Have a taxi or Uber drop you off at your hotel. Request a room at the ends of the hallways away from the elevator due to “noise” makes it hard to sleep. That way, you or your friend can come and go using the stairwells without much foot traffic in the hallways or lobby area. Good luck