Premium access expired while site was down - reviews gone

1. My premium access expired while site was down
2. I'm told that the the existing reviews are all gone (which I can't verify due to issue #1)
3. It looks like new reviews won't be allowed
4. 3. The billing service is down

I was pretty stoked that the site was back online, but now I'm wondering "What's the point?"
I feel you. I had paid access that expired during the hiatus. Kind of fucked up.
dj8rocks's Avatar
Even those who still have premium access can’t read or access any previous reviews they have written or ones listed on a providers profile. From the reading, I have interpreted that those reviews are gone for good. I would suspect that it is due to the new legislation and the wording of “promotion or facilitating” of certain things. Hence the new format to submit an “encounter” which appears to be formatted to exclude certain tidbits of info that could be interpreted as being against the new bills. This is certainly protection for not only the site, but the admins, mods, and anyone else who is actively participating here.

Not sure yet on purchasing premium access, but it was posted that cc billing is down, but there may other payment options available.