Review: Filling more than time

Date: 6-15-18
Name: Kerrviile niki
Phone: Private
Email Address: Na
URL / Website: -
City: Comfort
State: Texas
Address: Off I 10
Activities: Dfk, fingers, daty, doggy
Hair Length and Color: Brown, middle back
Age: 25
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tattoos, c cupe , 5”2
Recommendation: Yes
  • Tkbob
  • 06-19-2018, 06:32 AM
Can you pm me any contact info?
soitgoes455's Avatar
PM me too please
Can you pm me any contact info? Originally Posted by Tkbob
I will ask her if she will see new clients
bigun4u's Avatar
Yes please, I'm moving that way. Would be nice to have a playmate closer to home.
I’m interested as well, that’s right down the road from me.
How did you find her?
Contact details please ! Comfort is quaint ! Thanks, M.
Any info on her would be appriciated. Pm me her info
Contact info please
The person who submitted this has the account disabled, meaning he's no longer an active member. Doubt you'll be able to get the info unfortunately. Also, this review is over a year old so she may not be working anymore
4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 01-17-2019, 06:20 PM