Encounter: That's a No....

Date: 6/18/18
Name: Not in ad and didn't ask
Phone: 518-703-6835
Email Address: (staff edit)
URL / Website: (staff edit)
City: Latham
State: New York
Address: Shitty motel on rt 9 near car dealer
Hair Length and Color: Long brown
Age: 20's
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Really cute face young Bbw with big tits
Recommendation: No
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
Sorry you had a bad experience, but grateful as well. I reached out to her myself a few days ago. I haven't heard back yet, but now I know to ignore her even if she does. Treat yourself to one of our well-known beauties and forget all about this one!