Trump calls out crooked Merkel!

bambino's Avatar
Merkel signed a side deal with Putin to utilize a new gas pipeline that bypasses the old pipeline they had with the Ukraine and Europe. Germany will be the distribution center for the NG. Oh, and the prior PM of Germany, Shroder, is on the new pipelines board! What a sweetheart deal. Mueller should look into this sweetheart deal between Putin and Merkel.
And President Trump read them the riot act right out in front of the entire World, so our crooked "fake news" Networks could't take one snapshot and bend the news to fit their, (i.e., the Democrats) agenda.

There's a new Sheriff in town. The Trump Train is rolling. Either get on board, or get run over.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yes he did. let's discuss some more "fake news", shall we?

Donald Trump's attack on Germany has poked a hornet’s nest lurking beneath the EU's facade of unity

here are a few snippets of "fake news" ...

"As well as flying in the face of Brussels’ foreign policy, the pipeline bypasses Ukraine and Eastern European EU countries, depriving them of valuable transit fees and exacerbating the bloc’s crippling addiction to Russian gas imports, while strengthening Russian influence. Gazprom supplies almost 40 percent of Europe’s gas supply."

"Mr Trump may have exaggerated when he described Germany as a “captive of Russia” but even the most slavish admirers of the EU were forced to admit the volatile US president had a point."

Mr Trump has intentionally poked a hornet’s nest lurking under the EU façade of unity. “Trump is anything but stupid,” said an aide to a senior EU official. “He is serious and methodical in sowing divisions.”

"It was a clever rebuke to Mrs Merkel and the EU, which has voiced fears over the volatile US president’s meeting with Vladimir Putin at the end of this week. On Tuesday, Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, warned Mr Trump to remember who his real allies were before meeting the Russian strongman leader."

"Such was the commission’s horror at the German plan it looked to block it. Now, that decision has been kicked to EU governments. Approval is being doggedly blocked by countries such as Poland. Despite that, construction of the pipeline has begun on Russian territory, although not yet in the EU."

"Meanwhile, Poland plans to pay the US up to $2 billion to station an American armoured division on its territory in a sign of Warsaw’s lack of faith in its European allies."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
GOP leaders need to sack up and limit this asshole’s access to trade. Besides being an all around bad guy, he is an infantile idiot, admired by less than half of our country and reviled by the rest of the world.
bambino's Avatar
GOP leaders need to sack up and limit this asshole’s access to trade. Besides being an all around bad guy, he is an infantile idiot, admired by less than half of our country and reviled by the rest of the world. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Israel loves him you infantile idiot.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing new.

The Germans had a U-boat base in Veracruz, Mexico in WWII.

They are opportunists.
lustylad's Avatar
If the Germans are smart they will build the infrastructure to buy large quantities of LNG from the US in addition to the Nordstream pipeline from Russia. Then THEY will have the political leverage, not Putin. Anytime Putin misbehaves they can switch to imports of US gas and crimp his cashflow.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
trump does have a point about merkel.

she gets a deal for NG from Russia while at the same time keeps the german military next to useless while at the same time US funds 1/2 of Europes defense from an alleged Russian threat. Isn't this taking pacifism too far???

oh yeah, former german PM Scheoder sits on the NG board on that particular deal. if that's not corrupt, I don't know what is.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup , and ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
trump does have a point about merkel.

she gets a deal for NG from Russia while at the same time keeps the german military next to useless while at the same time US funds 1/2 of Europes defense from an alleged Russian threat. Isn't this taking pacifism too far???

oh yeah, former german PM Scheoder sits on the NG board on that particular deal. if that's not corrupt, I don't know what is. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No, you don’t.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you have a point asswipe? the only thing you got going is being dickless.
LexusLover's Avatar
you have a point asswipe? the only thing you got going is being dickless. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
One would think that such a condition might enhance the opportunity to entice an Austin rub girl out of her thong, but I suppose they even have standards in Austin with respect to transgenders as well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you have a point asswipe? the only thing you got going is being dickless. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Are you talking about DICK again, BONE COLLECTOR?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you have a point asswipe? the only thing you got going is being dickless. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Are you talking about DICK again, BONE COLLECTOR?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One would think that such a condition might enhance the opportunity to entice an Austin rub girl out of her thong, but I suppose they even have standards in Austin with respect to transgenders as well. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You’re a feckless cunt, SHARKY.