Will Hillary persist in 2020? Her actions suggest 'yes'

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Will Hillary persist in 2020? Her actions suggest 'yes'


YES!. oh YES!. the gift that keeps giving!

gfejunkie's Avatar
Hillary Clinton: The RNC's secret weapon.
LexusLover's Avatar
Her "legacy" is fading almost as fast as Obaminable's. Almost.
lustylad's Avatar
Huh? Did someone say Hildawhore in 2020? Yeah, baby!!

Gotyour6's Avatar
I hope she does run again.
I think we should all support her doing so.
Good for Alex, he's got ride of 98% of the gravel voice. He must be taking voice lessons. He just added 20 years to his career. I have not watched a video of his in 3 months but he is right on Hillhag running in 2020...

Dude Ruggs's Avatar
White people will be kicked out of the Democratic party by then. Even Pocahontas.
We should all be donating to any PACT that is willing to push "The Hildabeast" back into Democrat fray.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We should all be donating to any PACT that is willing to push "The Hildabeast" back into Democrat fray. Originally Posted by Jackie S

i have a dollar. will that help?

The Democrats can’t be stuped enough to trot out Hillary and or another Bernie look alike. I would have voted for a Democrat , for the first time in many years, instead of Trump but, never in my life time will I vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie.

Double post.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I would laugh my ass off if the Democrats were stupid enough to nominate Hillary Clinton for POTUS in 2020. Of course, they were stupid enough to do it in 2016. 8 years to come up with a viable candidate and they couldn't do it.

From articles I've read, the top Democratic possibilities are Sanders, Warren, Biden, Harris, Gillibrand, and Booker. Clinton not even mentioned. Here is one article on the subject:

The recent poll I read among Dim potential noms Hillary was either second or third. This was a couple of weeks ago.

The DNC Executive committee is a mess. It's so bad WTF would be an IQ upgrade.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Comerade Twitler will not make it to re-election.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I hope she runs that way whoever runs against her will win again ( The dnc an billary cant be that stupid )