The drive by incompetent media just goes along ,never asked real

Gee Facebook says Meddling damn , pay for space IS NOT MEDDLING. Now the truth about social sites and the web are coming to light , pay to post, and direct people to what they want.Exactly. IF farcebook didn't ACCEPT THE MONEY FOR THEIR "Space", there wouldn't have been any ads for people to be hornswaggled by..
The drive by incompetent media just goes along ,never asked realquestions. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I'd bet Rooskies or the Red Chinese can buy FB ads today campaigning for any number of 2018 Dimocratic or Republican candidate TODAY. Yeah, they may have to jump through a hoop or two.
THIS IS NOT MEDDLING! Hell, given the direction of the Dimocratic Socialist Party is may be quid pro quo work. Originally Posted by gnadfly