If Slavery Was A Choice...a dedication to Kanye West

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Dedicated to the ill informed Kanye West. Since he thinks it was a choice.

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My bad...meant to put this in sandbox Please move
winn dixie's Avatar
Please delete.............
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^ It amazes me how some get severe anal itch when facing truth..because its always better to bury your head in the sand and white wash history. Smh
I cant see the video you posted. But I dont think we try to white wash history as you say. I just think it happened so long ago and all the ones affected have since died, its hard for me to feel bad about something other white people did so long ago. Whats the need to keep bringing it up?
Keep waiting for your reparations, they are in the mail with the welfare check.
pyramider's Avatar
It must be true because Kanye is a genius.
Omg fucking move on. Crying ass social injustice bullshit issues all the time....damn. Get the fuck over it. Learn and beat the current system. Boohoo - Fucking wasted tears.

Every race deals with Injustice every race, demographic and religion has been a slave of another or currently still is. Where's all the fucking crying for the people enslaved in Africa right now by other Africans? In Asia by other Asians? In Latin America.. In the USA...? Get over your history and own your present.


What pyramider or said

Could go either way

P.s. did not will not watch the posted video. Not interested thanks
winn dixie's Avatar
Omg fucking move on. Crying ass social injustice bullshit issues all the time....damn. Get the fuck over it. Learn and beat the current system. Boohoo - Fucking wasted tears.

Every race deals with Injustice every race, demographic and religion has been a slave of another or currently still is. Where's all the fucking crying for the people enslaved in Africa right now by other Africans? In Asia by other Asians? In Latin America.. In the USA...? Get over your history and own your present.


What pyramider or said

Could go either way

P.s. did not will not watch the posted video. Not interested thanks Originally Posted by Mythos
Great post. The highlighted above should be read by everyone again and let resonate.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-06-2018, 01:12 AM
did not read the thread. but i do get a kick outta Kanye worshipping the Donald..

couple o' clowns, one orange, one black..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Omg fucking move on. Crying ass social injustice bullshit issues all the time....damn. Get the fuck over it. Learn and beat the current system. Boohoo - Fucking wasted tears.

Every race deals with Injustice every race, demographic and religion has been a slave of another or currently still is. Where's all the fucking crying for the people enslaved in Africa right now by other Africans? In Asia by other Asians? In Latin America.. In the USA...? Get over your history and own your present.


What pyramider or said

Could go either way

P.s. did not will not watch the posted video. Not interested thanks Originally Posted by Mythos

Hey sugar...you did watch the video. Stop lying sweetie... and for a girl that dates black guys I'm surprised you're so negatively passionate about it. I am not upset with you because I know that most people want discussions to stop are typically people who are not doing so well financially in their life or having other personal problems bringing them stress...they also have a misguided notion or concept of "fairness". The millennial generation is currently doing studies about this at Harvard and other prominent universities. These kids are absolutely shocked and dismayed at what they are learning about slave history and how their contributions to American society have been hidden and is not being taught.

A white person wrote the following and it's brilliant:

The next concept, white privilege, may be one of the hardest for my fellow white people to understand, but stick with me:
If you’re white, even if you’re not an overt racist, even if you know in your heart that you don’t ever discriminate against people based on the color of their skin, you still benefit (through no choice of your own) from the way systems and institutions are set up to function in this country. This is what’s meant by the term white privilege. If the sound of that phrase makes you sigh, don’t worry. White privilege doesn’t mean what it sounds like it means; it’s not an insult. It’s just a fact. It doesn’t mean that you are “favored.” It doesn’t mean that everything in life was handed to you free, that you’ve had a carefree and lazy life, or that you didn’t pull yourself up by the bootstraps to get where you are now. It also doesn’t assume you’re in a financially stable, mentally healthy, happy part of life right now, either.
White privilege, as famously described by Peggy Macintosh, is “an invisible package of unearned assets which I can count on cashing in every day, but about which I am meant to remain oblivious.” If you’re white in America, by virtue of the color of your skin, you were born with a few advantages not afforded people of color. You’re also socially conditioned to be unaware that you have privilege (again, not your fault). White privilege means that you can live your life and you won’t be disadvantaged because of the color of your skin. You might be poor, you might not have privilege in the way of upper (or even middle) social class, but if you’re white, you are statistically more likely to be hired for a majority of jobs because of your skin color.

It doesn’t matter if your family never owned slaves. As a white person in America, you still benefit from the oppression of black people in ways you don’t even think about. The very America we know today was built by slaves, who were unpaid laborers, for centuries. Western fields of mathematics, astronomy, science, technology, metallurgy, architecture, engineering, medicine, and navigation were all built off the knowledge of black slaves from Africa.

Source: https://gendercreativelife.com/2017/...know-you-have/
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One more excerpt from the link...

The Constitutional rights and opportunities that white people enjoy were not even available to black people until 53 years ago. That, viewed alongside the fact that only white people could accumulate land and property until as recently as the 1940s, and you can maybe begin to understand why many young black people today don’t have a rich elderly grandmother who set up college funds and a nest egg for her grandchildren based off of her family’s accumulated wealth.

“But,” you say, “my family isn’t rich… I grew up poor, in a trailer park. How do I have any privilege?”
To answer that, I recommend reading this essay: “Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person,” by Gina Crosley Corcoran. There are simply no better words to explain white privilege to white people – at least not that I’ve found. For another compelling viewpoint, staff writer for The Root, Michael Harriott, describes white privilege with this analogy:

“Imagine the entire history of the United States as a 500-year-old relay race, where whites began running as soon as the gun sounded, but blacks had to stay in the starting blocks until they were allowed to run. If the finish line is the same for everyone, then the time and distance advantage between the two runners is white privilege. Not only can we see it, but we can actually measure it.”
White privilege is a myth. If you have a good work ethic and drive, you will be able to accomplish your goals. I see every race and religion in my line of work. Don't diminish someones hard work and chalk it up to white privilege.

Oh and I can't watch the video. It shows up as a download on my browser for some reason.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
White privilege is a myth. If you have a good work ethic and drive, you will be able to accomplish your goals. I see every race and religion in my line of work. Don't diminish someones hard work and chalk it up to white privilege.

Oh and I can't watch the video. It shows up as a download on my browser for some reason. Originally Posted by Kickrocks

If you believe it is a myth then live with that belief. There's real work being done in universities by the newer generations(of white students) to root out your brand of in-denial thinking.

Ohh and check out my knowledge transfer thread in the Sandbox. Great expose on the Black Man that invented digital cellphone technology.
No wonder you never move forward.