Paris installs open air eco-friendly urinals and some people are pissed off by it !!

CG2014's Avatar
Only in France... Oui Oui....

It looks like this is a French tradition going back to the late 1800s:

I like how this headline is worded:

Paris residents pissed at public, eco-friendly urinals
dallasfan's Avatar
People already pee in trash cans. They are just making it legal. Lol
CG2014's Avatar
Or anywhere on the streets if there weren't any public urinals.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 08-14-2018, 05:30 PM
WAIT!!!!! What about gender neutrality?
CG2014's Avatar
WAIT!!!!! What about gender neutrality? Originally Posted by Go4it
In the CNN article I posted above:

Public urinals, or pissoirs as they're known in French, have a long history in Paris, dating back to the late 1800s when they were installed for men traveling to and from work.

It wasn't until women started entering the workforce in greater numbers decades later that the need for enclosed cubicles with seats, toilet paper and hand basins emerged, explained Raymond Martin, managing director of the British Toilet Association.

But centuries after the first pissoirs were installed in Paris, women are still not being adequately catered for, said Martin. "The trouble today is the inequality for women," he said, adding that in the UK, various proposals for female urinals had been rejected on the grounds that they exposed women in public.
Public toilets for women will have to be enclosed inside a building.

It will costs more $ and work and material.

We men can just pee and go, anywhere in public, on the streets even where there are no public urinals.

Most of the time, we are not even worried about anyone seeing us peeing in public.

When you got to go you got to go.

Women on the other hand - just peeing is a bit more complicated for them:
killswitch321's Avatar
Paris installs open air eco-friendly urinals and some people are pissed off by it !!
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 08-15-2018, 12:32 AM
CG2014's Avatar
Or maybe they can --- Originally Posted by Go4it
Well, women carry those big purses around with everything in it so one more item won't make a difference.

Some even carry a big purse plus a big bag nowadays everywhere they go.
CG2014's Avatar
Meanwhile in London....

TexTushHog's Avatar
They can’t smell worse than the old fashioned pissoirs that were in Paris when I first went in the early 1980’s.
CG2014's Avatar
Then there is this in Switzerland:

and this in Sulphur Springs TX:

In some European cities, they have toilets that requires coins to access. They also have toilets like phone booths on the street that not only requires coins to operate, but you only have 15 minutes before it opens its door while you are still in it:

And if you go to Japan, you are screwed:

It's like trying to fly a jet fighter!
mikehammer002001's Avatar
Then there is this in Switzerland:

and this in Sulphur Springs TX:

In some European cities, they have toilets that requires coins to access. They also have toilets like phone booths on the street that not only requires coins to operate, but you only have 15 minutes before it opens its door while you are still in it:

And if you go to Japan, you are screwed:

It's like trying to fly a jet fighter! Originally Posted by CG2014
Remember seeing these pictures and seriously wanting to play in one and by play I do mean with a woman, LOL. Although jerking off watching someone might be hot...damn time to go to Sulfar springs
rexdutchman's Avatar
Paris is the dirtiest city I have ever been to in my life ^^^ that's before this soooo wow , They hate American's like hair , and I guess they like bad smells .
CG2014's Avatar
Or having to use one of these that are in different cities around the world.

They look filthy!

There is no fucking way I will use one!

So fucking uncivilized!

If I was in a forest away from any civilization, sure I'll do it in some shrubbery or something but in a city with buildings and civilization and indoor plumbing and running hot and cold water, I don't think people should be expected to use something like that nowadays in the 21st century.
dallasfan's Avatar
Actually these should be the standard for women urinals. Some women hover anyways on public toilets. This would make it easier.