Is coed for advertising?

I read that eccie will start charging ladies in the future to advertise on the site. Will they charge more for the threAds that we see filling up coed too?
Samcro84's Avatar
Probably charge for login not where or how much they post. Not sure why charge for ladies?
This site is becoming more shitty. How ive gotten an infraction for my ad post. But yet guys are allowed to post what they want very specifically and the signatures guys have is just ridiculous. But yet my post really was not bad
This site is becoming more shitty. How ive gotten an infraction for my ad post. But yet guys are allowed to post what they want very specifically and the signatures guys have is just ridiculous. But yet my post really was not bad Originally Posted by SweetArielRae

I agree.
winn dixie's Avatar
Let's tar and feather the mod. that did that!!!!!!!!!
This site is becoming more shitty. How ive gotten an infraction for my ad post. But yet guys are allowed to post what they want very specifically and the signatures guys have is just ridiculous. But yet my post really was not bad Originally Posted by SweetArielRae

I've got a good idea. Start a threAD in coed, others are doing it. You should too.
A mod from Houston. Soulmanike
How do they approve an Ad and give an infraction at the same time? Just reject the ad and make the provider fix it. This is getting fucking silly around here.
winn dixie's Avatar
The ladies are leaving because of the new rules. Being pointed for petty crap! Having their ads up for approval for as much as 24 hrs .before getting posted... Not to mention all the restrictions! The other place lets them advertise in multiple places daily without restrictions!
winn dixie's Avatar
How do they approve an Ad and give an infraction at the same time? Just reject the ad and make the provider fix it. This is getting fucking silly around here. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
What ever you do be careful using the eccie emoji's! I used one as a response and got awarded 2 points!!
Co-ed isn't for advertising, no. And to be honest I think obvious advertisements here turn off or annoy many of the menfolk.

However being an active participant in co-ed without creating many obvious threADs might be the best actual advertising you can get. There are several girls that I have decided to see based purely on their board presence. There are quite a few who got the opposite assessment. As an example that's why I ended up seeing CubanAva. She was just fun on the board without spamming the place.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Eccie is going to do whatever it has to do in order for them to survive.

They desperately need female participation so until that happens they will let threADs be posted with impunity.

In all candor, I don't think they will ever be able to compete with CK at OH2. That said, they are trying like heck.

Eccie CoEd has been dead ever since they came back on line. The new rules didn't kill it. There are probably ten people who posted the majority.

I think the biggest mistake is cracking down in the political threads. The bashing there is what kept that section thriving. Even the beta males felt empowered.

If I were to make a suggestion I'd suggest this. Create a place for political and CoEd topics that have far less restrictive rules.

I highly doubt that's going to happen anytime soon but it will happen if it keeps them alive.
Little Monster's Avatar
What ever you do be careful using the eccie emoji's! I used one as a response and got awarded 2 points!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Now THAT is totally fucked up! They put the shit there for us to use and now you're saying that they are gonna fault us for using it?
Brandofan's Avatar
ThreADvertising... it's not just for the end of the month anymore!
Samcro84's Avatar
This site is becoming more shitty. How ive gotten an infraction for my ad post. But yet guys are allowed to post what they want very specifically and the signatures guys have is just ridiculous. But yet my post really was not bad Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
ECCIE is a men’s club run by men. My opinion is they forgot there needs to be ladies here. The guys treat the ladies bad so they leave. ECCIE needs a change in focus.

Treetop - the problem is that ECCIE changed from a site for us guys to find a lady to see and threads relating to that to a site that allows degrading comments about ladies and members.