I have seen the error of my ways. Pimps are valued members here, like all of us, and should be respected and allowed the same rights we all enjoy.
I know what you're thinking: "But Spanky - pimps already have more rights here than the rest of us."
Yes, that's true. They have the right to operate multiple accounts, as long as they take the very simple steps to avoid getting caught, which would put eccie in the awkward position of having to ban them for it. Thankfully, the detection mechanisms appear to be designed to avoid that unfortunate situation. They can get simultaneous access to the Men's Lounge and Powder Room, because it's important for them to be able to see what everyone is saying about their ladies, and to influence the discussion where possible. And of course, they have the right to review their own ladies to make sure that hobbyists know what they want them to think about them.
All of that is true, but my concern is that it doesn't go far enough. How can eccie be made an even more hospitable place for our friendly neighborhood pimps? What is needed here is creative, outside-the-box thinking. This is important, people. Let's get it done.