No shave November

Y 0 Dabbler's Avatar
Wondering if any ladies have thoughts on this about the men. Turn on or turn off? Like or dislike?
Y 0 Dabbler's Avatar
or not
oam's Avatar
  • oam
  • 11-17-2018, 09:29 AM
Not a lady or a provider. But just an observant dude. I think it all depends on how well kept it is. If you look like a neckbeard who hasn't bathed in days then it will probably be a turn off. If you observe no-shave november and keep your growth orderly and clean, I can only assume that would be more acceptable .

Honest question though: are you doing no-shave november for charitable purposes?
Clay Media's Avatar
Body hair is disgusting.
Bald pussies are disgusting .....
SpursFan's Avatar
Is this why all the local male newscasters are growing beards?

Some sort of support for attention to cancer or something like that?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-26-2018, 12:02 AM
November is the month for Men's Health awareness. Yes SF, the no shaving is part of it.
Y 0 Dabbler's Avatar
What Mokoa wrote
Y 0 Dabbler's Avatar
Body hair is disgusting. Originally Posted by Clay Media
Like mannequins?