What's your power bill ?

SkyDriver's Avatar
$0.87/Kilowatt hour; 12 month contract......
Ha Ha Ha Whirlway, you pay TWICE what Wal-Mart does which also begs the question why should the biggest consumers of power get a lower rate?
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
My power bill???

A hell of a lot more than it was before Rick Perry and his buddies created the deregulation program that was allegedly going lower power rates due to increased competition. Their "deregulation program" gave Texas the highest average utility rates in the country, regardless of whom you use as an electricity provider.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
speaking of Rick, btw I voted for Kinky when I lived in TX, how the hell is he on the national seen now?

my electric bill last month was $151 and I guess Stevie is going to dispute that
jhende3's Avatar
Deregulation isn't always the best thing for a cunsumer when dealing with a power company. I know i work for one of the biggest in the south. The only thing that get deregulated is the amount they can charge. Most power companies wouldn't build lines to place for fear that they wont make anything off of it. Companies dont make much from residential customers hell most of the time its a lost. Big industrial customers is where the money is if your a power company why spend millions on lines to only see a few thousand a year on returns. And its not just the lines it transformers, lights customer not paying bills all for 200 to 300 a month from each customer. When the big boys pay millions a month in bills to you and they never have a problem.

There never going to be 2 or 3 companies really fighting for your business with cheaper rates than the next. This isn't the phone company where all the competing companies use the same lines. Just my thought from a lineman
Before deregulation I never followed electric rates. But my instinct is that my rate has declined slightly since deregulation. (note: my Kilowatt hour rate is $0.087 per). No additional add ons, other than state fees that are applied to all texas customers.

I addressed the OP's question with a fact-based answer.....while some other knuckleheads just talked garbage without offering up any fact or reference points.

And here is the link that shows a state by state comparison of average electric rates; as you can see, Texas falls pretty close to the national average rate...and consumers in Texas can do a lot better than the indicated average by shopping around and locking into a contract. I am satisfied with deregulation. It has saved me money.

If you look at my table you will see that the states with the highest Per Killowatt hourly rate are also heavily governed by Democrats while states with some of the lowest are largely Republican majority states.

Ha Ha Ha Whirlway, you pay TWICE what Wal-Mart does which also begs the question why should the biggest consumers of power get a lower rate? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I pay $.094 per KWh, and I have a two year contract. I pay what I pay regardless what Wal Mart pays. BTW, they pay less, because they are a significantly higher consumer of electricity than single, residential consumers.

speaking of Rick, btw I voted for Kinky when I lived in TX, how the hell is he on the national seen now?

my electric bill last month was $151 and I guess Stevie is going to dispute that Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I was a Kinky voter too . Governor Good Hair is rumbling that he's running. He'll never make it to the nomination. I think the country is a little tired of Texan presidents just now.
I voted for Kinky and donated money to his 2006 campgain; ya think Kinky and Imus have had a falling out..he isn't on the Imus morning show anymore...

Olivia; check out Champion elec...I lowered my rate signficantly when I switched. And the lights and AC quality is the same - go figure.
I voted for Kinky and donated money to his 2006 campgain; ya think Kinky and Imus have had a falling out..he isn't on the Imus morning show anymore...

Olivia; check out Champion elec...I lowered my rate signficantly when I switched. And the lights and AC quality is the same - go figure. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Now that's funny. I paid $.005 more to get a two year vs a two year contract.
jhende3's Avatar
Oliviahoward your wrong on most if the stuff you said. First if you pay what you say you pay for electric your getting ripped off. I work for a major power company for over ten year on the distribution side 0.0881 per kwh is what is paid in Louisiana that the regulated amount. Now fuel cost varies from month to month but not a big jump per month. If Your 0.94 kwh is even right i would have gotten a 1880.00 bill last month for my 2000 kwh used. Competition in the electrical business is a joke! Truth be told most customers electrical don't want to serve anyway. You don't make money off residential customers till years later and then it isn't much.

Super Walmart bill for last month was over 20,000 dollars in my area. And it probably be higher next month.
I thinkk OH meant $0.094/kwh not $0.94?

Honest mistake that I made in the same thread.
jhende3's Avatar
Here is what deregulation did in Texas

That article is almost three years old; before deregulation truly set in with texas consumers............here is the lastest, as I posted earlier, but you want to ignore.

The rates are the most recent available..


Texas is pretty much in line with the national average.

And the highest rates in the nation? You guessed it, the Democratically union dominated states of Michigian, Massachussets, California, Connecticut, NY, NJ, eta al.

The lowest states in the Union are southern states that are heavily republican - Tea Party states.

More proof that the Democrats are not a friend to working class American (unless your a Union member).

Deregulation saves consumers money!

A fact that was lost on the Obamacare crafters who went out of their way not to allow intrastate insurance purchases and schemed a centrall controlled system. Nothing deregulated in Obamacare and it is going to cost consumers trillions of dollars.