Encounter: AN AMAZING AZZ AND ONLY TREATS, NO TRICKS ON HALLOW’S EVE (w/ NaughtyAughty)... GIFs and Photos inside***

The Cocksman's Avatar
Date: 10-30-18
Name: NaughtyAughty
Phone: 210-760-3362
Email Address: she will provide
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=424504
City: san antonio
State: Texas
Address: medical center
Activities: a blur of non stop sexually charged bedroom fun (activities in ROS)
Hair Length and Color: short blonde
Age: early 40's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: she has great curves, a great ass, a fun personality, and an insatiable sexual appetite

Recommendation: absofuckinglutely
Blckpr's Avatar
Nice review and azz!
tpepsi's Avatar
Nicely done!
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
Dat azz!!! Ah, the walk upstairs is fun!!! Great view!
now this is a top notch review sir. from top to bottom exciting and it looks like u had a help of a time.
(just realized apologize to mods for replying to old thread)
JustinLustAgain's Avatar
Great review and awesome pics and vid. Hope she makes it to Tyler.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-17-2019, 10:14 PM
Please do not post in review threads that are older than thirty days.
