massage times

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
it'd be nice for the some of the massages places to stay open past 10 (not talking about the ones at chef).
I was on the way to work today and on the other end of the scale...I would like to see them open earlier, like 430-530 AM. Could make the work day much more manageable.
It is hard to plan around the SNATCH (Short Notice Availability Thread Check Here) thread. The times I have looked I have not seen anyone available due to the time, but I dont want to be awake either.
There are still places left on chef? I thought the pad and toyoko were done. Whats left and any chance cindy is there
K I see I read that wrong. Dilbert clearly states "Not talking about the ones on Chef". I guess I want there to be amps on chef again so bad that I my brain is actually making me see things
Sawft's Avatar
  • Sawft
  • 12-03-2018, 10:33 AM
I fully understand I miss the girls at the pad so much
imdown2's Avatar
Tokyo has some good ones too