What's up with guys asking for face pics??

Am I the only one that gets annoyed when guys ask me for face pictures?? If I wanted for my face to be seen, I would have posted face pics on my showcase, no?
I didn't post my face for a reason and that reason should be clear to all of us in the hobby......THE NEED FOR DISCRETION!
The fact that a stranger on here asks me for it doesn't make any sense to me. What are they thinking??? What makes them think that I will gladly and casually send them my face pics???
I turned down a couple of appt requests today because of this. If the guy doesn't understand 'discretion', I see potential problem.
We guys tend to think with our little heads. I think the main reason guys ask for face pics is we want to make sure they match the body. From speaking to several providers who don't post face pic. Yes I can fully understand the need for discretion.
GiaLedeaux's Avatar
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when guys ask me for face pictures?? If I wanted for my face to be seen, I would have posted face pics on my showcase, no?
I didn't post my face for a reason and that reason should be clear to all of us in the hobby......THE NEED FOR DISCRETION!
The fact that a stranger on here asks me for it doesn't make any sense to me. What are they thinking??? What makes them think that I will gladly and casually send them my face pics???
I turned down a couple of appt requests today because of this. If the guy doesn't understand 'discretion', I see potential problem.
Samantha Originally Posted by samantha thom


You're not the only one who gets ANNOYED by this! Its crazy because the guys DONT post their face when they have the option too. So, if they dont, why in the BLEEP do they think we should. I mean, I know they are the hobbyists but SOME of US providers do have and OUTSIDE life and have things to lose. I've gotten that so much that I chose a few pics and decided to add a blur below my eyes...There are usually ONLY certain guys who will ask for a face shot and those guys I feel are going to use my pic to please themselves! NO NO NO!
Samantha try an understand that for guys without a face pic its pretty much a blind date, (dont run your blood pressure up..) I personally jus do a little research on a lady if she doesnt have a face pic an read the reviews. Which sometimes mean researching the guy who reviewed her jus to see what his general taste in women might be.. And who dont understand why some ladies choose not to show their face, we all have a personal life..
I've calmed down now. Phewww!! LOLOLOL...yes Ralph, my blood pressure was up a bit! You're right..I don't need to be too mad about this. After all, this is a part of the screening process anyway, to weed out the guys I don't want to see. Most guys are nice, respectful with common sense. Those are the type of guys I like! :-)

Gia, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for posting, girl!
whitechocolate's Avatar
I personally dont see what is wrong with asking for a face pic after the session is set. I am an eye man and get turned on by sexy eyes and sexxxy eye makeup and false eye lashes. Seeing a pic of the gal ahead of time is a turn on for me. It is not a deal breaker but I dont see anything wrong with just asking. The provider should tell the client to respect privacy issues with the picture. I totally respect all privacy issues with pictures and everything else but that is me.
I can completely understand the discretion bit. However, from past experiences that I have encountered, usually a pic with no face, or one that is faded/blurred out means that the pics are fake. Not accusing Samantha of posting fake pics, but I have experienced this before with provider/pics not matching!
Still Looking's Avatar
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when guys ask me for face pictures?? If I wanted for my face to be seen, I would have posted face pics on my showcase, no?
I didn't post my face for a reason and that reason should be clear to all of us in the hobby......THE NEED FOR DISCRETION!
The fact that a stranger on here asks me for it doesn't make any sense to me. What are they thinking??? What makes them think that I will gladly and casually send them my face pics???
I turned down a couple of appt requests today because of this. If the guy doesn't understand 'discretion', I see potential problem.
Samantha Originally Posted by samantha thom
YOUR EXACTLY CORRECT! Call the dude a DICK and hang up!

I can completely understand the discretion bit. However, from past experiences that I have encountered, usually a pic with no face, or one that is faded/blurred out means that the pics are fake. Not accusing Samantha of posting fake pics, but I have experienced this before with provider/pics not matching! Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
EXACTLY! So don't ask for a face picture! Either pass on the provider or make the appointment. Then when her face looks like Willy Nelson, just turn around and mumble "Should have posted a face picture!" as you RUN to your car!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Girl I feel ya--I never Show my face.

Till I trust them -
Still Looking's Avatar
Girl I feel ya--I never Show my face.

Till I trust them - Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Easy for you to say.... I guess the body of a 20 year old speaks for it self!
hobbyprojb's Avatar
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when guys ask me for face pictures?? If I wanted for my face to be seen, I would have posted face pics on my showcase, no?
I didn't post my face for a reason and that reason should be clear to all of us in the hobby......THE NEED FOR DISCRETION!
The fact that a stranger on here asks me for it doesn't make any sense to me. What are they thinking??? What makes them think that I will gladly and casually send them my face pics???
I turned down a couple of appt requests today because of this. If the guy doesn't understand 'discretion', I see potential problem.
Samantha Originally Posted by samantha thom

Cpalmson's Avatar
I personally dont see what is wrong with asking for a face pic after the session is set. I am an eye man and get turned on by sexy eyes and sexxxy eye makeup and false eye lashes. Seeing a pic of the gal ahead of time is a turn on for me. It is not a deal breaker but I dont see anything wrong with just asking. The provider should tell the client to respect privacy issues with the picture. I totally respect all privacy issues with pictures and everything else but that is me. Originally Posted by whitechocolate

Once a session is set and client has been screened, I think a provider should at least be open to the suggestion of sending a face pic. While not a face pic, one provider I saw will send a more explicit photo of her once booked. That was kinda hot and a pleasant surprise.
Still Looking's Avatar
Originally Posted by hobbyprojb
GREAT EXAMPLE!!! I need to go take a blood pressure bill now! DAM!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You're not the only one who gets ANNOYED by this! Its crazy because the guys DONT post their face when they have the option too. So, if they dont, why in the BLEEP do they think we should. Originally Posted by GiaLedeaux
Because you are the one that is receiving the cash in the business transaction. Some will be ok spending money sight unseen, others won't. Its going to matter to some guys and won't be as important to others.

Why get so worked up about it, just tell them you don't disclose pics. The chips will fall where they may, and it will either work for your business or it won't.
My stomach churns if I think about someone I've never met before have my picture. He might cancel or NCNS and still have my picture. I would die if my friends, my job or my family finds out!