TheOtherBoard - website alternative

  • rfl
  • 01-01-2019, 08:26 AM
I’ve spent time in Colorado and they use It has served me well. Has anyone around here thought of using it? It would be a great addition to our scene. Especially if this site goes down.
Circus Midget's Avatar
Boards tend to be regional.

Your best bet is to adapt to the ones already being used in that area.

Rather than expecting everyone to change to accommodate you.
costello's Avatar
Although you may be stuck using the regional boards, there is no harm in throwing it out there about alternatives.
I didnt take it as though he wanted us to change just for him.
Maybe it would bring more providers to the area..
  • rfl
  • 01-01-2019, 10:33 AM
Nobody was saying change boards, simmer down Midget. You should have realized that, especially since I said “an addition”. But, I guess there’s always a-holes in here.

All I’m trying to do is get the info out there. The more options we have, the more info we have, the better we all are. That’s what this site is exactly for - to share info.
Audreyg's Avatar
I have used it. I don't think anyone contacted me, but at the time it was free to create a listing so I did. Perhaps another provider could fill me in, but it seems like there are no longer free listings? At this time, I wouldn't pay to use it since I don't expect many folks would find me there.

In general I've been on the regional boards across the US even though I'm based in Nola. For me I think it's a good practice to be on multiple boards & platforms, especially when they are free. It helps people find you!