Well this is a first

southernguy's Avatar
Guitar's Avatar
Figure thats a Spam acct. Email her and your email inbox will be overflowing with sperm. I mean, Spam!
southernguy's Avatar
I don’t want sperm or spam. Lol
Whhhyyyy did I click this...
Curiously killed the cat..
Ughhh Hahahaha..
What. . .just what. . .
  • vadc
  • 01-06-2019, 10:16 AM
I hate when clients low ball. Min $$$/hr. Maybe not, I feel need to charge extra for my preparation time and my overhead so min $$$$$/hr.
southernguy's Avatar
To quote a line from the movie “Coming to America”.....
“Some guys go an hour, an hour and a half. A man has got to put in overtime for me to get off.” Haha