Is it time to tax money sent back to Mexico?

Mexico receives billions and billions each year from Mexican's sending money back to families in Mexico.

I say it's time to levy a tax on this money.

It could pay for the Wall.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
Mexico receives billions and billions each year from Mexican's sending money back to families in Mexico.

I say it's time to levy a tax on this money.

It could pay for the Wall. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How about raise the tax for 10 million and up to 70%. to fund the wall. That should take care of it

All these new lies from Trump that the base is so desperately trying to make it sound like that was the plan all along. Go collect it then spend it
TheDaliLama's Avatar
There countless times and a bunch of videos on YouTube if you care to look them up.

That's just one.
How about raise the tax for 10 million and up to 70%. to fund the wall. That should take care of it

All these new lies from Trump that the base is so desperately trying to make it sound like that was the plan all along. Go collect it then spend it Originally Posted by themystic
Why tax hard working Americans who earn the money here and spend it here.?

The money sent back to Mexico does nothing to boost the US economy.

After oil exports, money sent back to Mexico is their 2d largest National Income Producer.

This way, Mexico does not have invest in any industries. They simply send people to work here, and Mexico reaps the profit of American entrepaneaurship and development.

I think 30 cents on the dollar would be about right.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-08-2019, 04:34 AM
They should have been taxed from the start.
The sad part is a large group of them have no ss# and work for cash.
I'm guilty as hell using them for moving.
themystic's Avatar
Mexico receives billions and billions each year from Mexican's sending money back to families in Mexico.

I say it's time to levy a tax on this money.

It could pay for the Wall. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Illegals pay an average of 12 billion a year in taxes
Illegals pay an average of 12 billion a year in taxes Originally Posted by themystic
I think that an endless argument can go on about whether those same immigrants cost more than their taxes produce.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Interesting discussion. So if I want to send money to a friend in, say, Germany, that money should be taxed? Money that has already been taxed?
I have had the same thought. Build the wall. Stop them from coming here to send money to Mexico. It is putting the money back in our economy not Mexico. It is like Mexico paying for the wall.
When a person comes here and uses the economy of the US to make money, and then does not spend that money here, yes it hurts the US economy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-08-2019, 07:41 AM
Interesting discussion. So if I want to send money to a friend in, say, Germany, that money should be taxed? Money that has already been taxed? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Evidently that is what our right wingers want...

Seems they can't make up their mind on taxes either. One minute they cry about taxes being horrible, next minute they propose them to pay for a wall we do not need!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-08-2019, 08:05 AM
I agree tax that shit.
Well, if the American employers did the right thing and hired them legally, and many don't (employers are a large part of the problem as they look for cheap labor), these non-citizens will have already paid income taxes and social security taxes on their meager earnings.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper ,merica first some thing the snowflake just don't understand ( it will pay for the free shit they want like schools )