Encounter: In Love With A Bunny

Date: 12-18-18
Name: Bunny Love
Phone: 2107632373
Email Address: jeepstitz2012@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=211714
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Huebner / I-10
Activities: Convo, lfk, dfk, bbbj, bls, daty, 69, fiv, dato, tuma, cim
Hair Length and Color: Blonde, shoulder length
Age: Said 38, but I would've believed late 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Gorgeous. Perfection. What else do you want me to say? Bunny is a 5'2" true spinner with beautiful green eyes which will stare into your soul in an almost intimidating manner. She has the type of body that other ladies dream of. Round mm DD's, a tiny waist, small (but very well shaped butt), and incredible tattoos (think "suicide girl").
Recommendation: Yes
Ashamanr's Avatar
She is super hot and very sweet. I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I met her. Unfortunately she is too pricey for regular consumption, but I know where part of my tax return is going.
She would be really easy to be involved with in the real world. As hot and sexy as a woman there is.
Ashamanr's Avatar
She would be really easy to be involved with in the real world. As hot and sexy as a woman there is. Originally Posted by Peachlover64
I've posted before that I can't believe a Sugar Daddy hasn't taken her out of the hobby. I will, if I win the lottery.
Ashamanr's Avatar
She would be really easy to be involved with in the real world. As hot and sexy as a woman there is. Originally Posted by Peachlover64
she is a looker would like to try dirty things with this one