What about a website like P411 where clients can request references from escorts? Providers would be able to:
* Verify if a client met with someone on a given date / city
* Verify if a client was safe & paid agreed upon amount
* Rate client's hygiene (bad, ok, great)
* Notify if other providers can contact you about a client
* Leave a small comment (viewable by other providers)
I know that P411 is available (I used it the past) however not many providers were on it or rarely asked for it. It also required a $$$ fee and eventually it closed its membership so I never joined again.
Currently providing references whenever I meet someone is a bit painful for a few reasons:
* Many providers don't reply back quickly or reply back at all
* Some providers change numbers often or don't remember all clients
I work as a application developer and was playing around with the idea of building something like this but I'm not sure how useful it would be. I had a few other features / ideas:
* No Ads (verification site only)
* Allow searching by Phone numbers ?
* Integrate with other site like Eccie for provider verification
* Alerts by City