global warming reconsidered

VitaMan's Avatar

- snowing in Las Vegas
- Al Gore movie now only shown in UK with caveats shown also
- scientists remark it is colder now than most of the last 10,000 years
- carbon dioxide contribution by humans infinitesimally small
- science of it not close to being settled has managed to be the political correct thing to change your behavior - at least in part - meantime, world leaders fly in private jets to Swiss conference on - global warming
boardman's Avatar
That's why they stopped using the term global warming several years ago. The PC term has been adjusted to "climate change" so that it can be all encompassing and still suggest that we can actually do something about it.

According to AOC we only have 12 years to fix it. Don't know if she thinks we're all going to freeze or burn up. I don't think she knows.
AOC wants to get rid of all air flight and use trains. How long is the train ride to Hawaii?
A tad longer than the ride to the Bahamas
Russ38's Avatar
According to AOC we only have 12 years to fix it. Don't know if she thinks we're all going to freeze or burn up. I don't think she knows. Originally Posted by boardman
Heh....that snatch is no doubt dumber than a box of rocks....political retards like her will make the next election that much easier....
CurvyKatie's Avatar
The reference period from this study was from 1981 to 2010 with information gathered as far back as 1950. I believe the earth is a lot older than 68 years. I'm not saying climate change is right or wrong but i do know there was an ice age with no humans on the planet and that went away.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
The question I would ask about the chart above is how did they measure the temperature in 200 AD or 1000AD?

Up until1946 all temperature measurement was completed by Mecury Thermometer which were consider inaccurate by 2 to 3 degrees.

We did not have digital thermometer until 1986, so not sure how they were able to measure the .02 increase or decrease in temperature 200AD
CurvyKatie's Avatar
The chart is from this link. Sorry when I posted that chart I was thinking I should have just posted the link along with it. I saw another explanation that got real science-y that talked about O2 molecules and stuff, so I guess it boils down to measuring atoms within the layers.
Please make up your mind...strip nikkid or bundle up!!

Interesting how this information came out around the same time that the 30 minute program on the "CONSENSUS" of the climatologist "at the time"...I guess it's just how the money and control over the populist can benefit them!!
This kind of fluctuation in 45 yrs. NO FUCKING WAY!!
AOC says we only have 12yrs. left...lets just enjoy our 12yrs. remaining and...fuhgeddadoudit!!
Lobbying must be slow these days.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Please make up your mind...strip nikkid or bundle up!!

Interesting how this information came out around the same time that the 30 minute program on the "CONSENSUS" of the climatologist "at the time"...I guess it's just how the money and control over the populist can benefit them!!
This kind of fluctuation in 45 yrs. NO FUCKING WAY!!
AOC says we only have 12yrs. left...lets just enjoy our 12yrs. remaining and...fuhgeddadoudit!! Originally Posted by bb1961

EDIT: I just read the article. Thanks for posting an interesting read about how the 2nd ice age prediction came about, I wondered about that.
boardman's Avatar
I think climate change has more to do with the natural cycle of things than it has to do with what we and cow farts do.

So the polar caps are receding and the water levels are rising. Wasn't this land covered in water before at some point? Isn't water slower to warm than land? So if the water levels rise thus creating less land mass wouldn't that cause temperatures to drop over a period of time. Dropping temps means more snowfall at the poles, growing glaciers and receding water levels. Is a one percent change in the water level or land mass exposure enough to change the global temperature by 1 percent or a 1/2 percent?

The problem with statistics is they can be manipulated and interpreted to mean whatever you want them to mean. That's why Global Warming alarmists changed their language to Climate Change. There were enough "scientists" logically interpreting the statistics in a totally different way.

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said there are three types of lies; lies, damn lies and statistics.
FrankZappa's Avatar
The U.S. military takes climate change seriously. All of the U.S. naval bases are threatened by rising waters and have to be retrofitted or relocated.

Insurance companies also take it serious. If one insurance company did not believe in it . They could corner the market.

Also, coastal properties are dropping in many areas because of flooding , rising waters and hurricanes.