One reason providers should screen

myren1900's Avatar
There are some real danger to providers from monsters like this guy:

Stay safe !

He will be walking the streets to do it again.
If he was busted that many times and still out free, there is something wrong with the justice system.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
This really pisses me off that New Orleans police kept this so quiet. I do not recall hearing of 1 rape mind you the 8 this dude did on the news channels last year. This dude was a serial rapist and could have started killing his victims. Is this how New Orleans states that crime is declining by not reporting it? This city has a disgusting deceiving way to serve its people. What else are they not reporting?
Hobbyman28's Avatar
No wonder why so many chicks are NBA.. One bad apple ruins the bunch.
myren1900's Avatar

Rapists come in all color shades, ages and body types. It is important for providers to screen everyone and as clients we should accept that it is necessary for them to do so.

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-26-2019, 02:13 PM
Thank you for posting this...Also to Add..

Having a Eccie profile alone these days isn’t enough especially if you have no reviews written. Not saying reviews are the All access pass but look at it from this view. occasionally you’ll get a few bad apple providers on Eccie. It works both ways same goes for Eccie clients.

And Rapist come in all colors, genders and Ages.
No wonder why so many chicks are NBA.. One bad apple ruins the bunch. Originally Posted by Hobbyman28
Sad Sad Sad, guess you really can't get over your racist attitudes. The rape that occurred had NOTHING at all to do with color. He was a rapist, but all you saw was that he was black. Color had NOTHING at all to do with his crime.


Rapists come in all color shades, ages and body types. It is important for providers to screen everyone and as clients we should accept that it is necessary for them to do so.

Originally Posted by myren1900
Racism still exists in 2019. Informing a racist will do no good Myren, he can't see beyond color. Very Sad.
Hobbyman28's Avatar
I messaged you 1blackman1.

And for anyone else that misunderstood my message I'm actually black myself I was only stating that providers may have had a bad experience with a black guy in the past or they see things like this and they decide to be NBA.

Basically anyone is capable of doing terrible things but black people get a bad rep because people are so judgemental.. I can say first hand people judged me before I even spoke.

I talked with one provider that claims she's NBA but she saw me after talking to me over the phone.. (she thought I was white) but she told me that she sees people depending on if they are respectable or not but doesn't see really young black guys.
I apologize.
I'm actually black myself Originally Posted by Hobbyman28

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 03-06-2019, 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by Phoenixx
Thank you for posting this...Also to Add..

Having a Eccie profile alone these days isn’t enough especially if you have no reviews written. Not saying reviews are the All access pass but look at it from this view. occasionally you’ll get a few bad apple providers on Eccie. It works both ways same goes for Eccie clients.

And Rapist come in all colors, genders and Ages. Originally Posted by Lia88
I can understand. I could have another encounter listed, but I really want to forget my last one. Reviews and research are important but I know some likely just don’t do it.
I'm getting A LOT of guys with zero posts, zero reviews demanding all kinds of crazy shit. I'm not going back and forth, so I always say I'm not available. Just saves any drama.
annie@christophers's Avatar


lets start a get fucking drunck..IRISH THING TODAY !!!!!

Yall did not know
i got 2 out my family called BLACK IRISH!!



xxpoo annie@christophers