Encounter: Two clubs one Review Rick and Tiffany

Date: 3/15/19
Name: S@***@. And K*****y
Phone: Unk
Email Address: Na
URL / Website: Unk
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Ricks off 35 and weidner Tiffanys off wurzbach
Activities: Ricks - dances, hj, nipple play, Rcg
Tiffanys - dances, fiv, hj, rcg
Hair Length and Color: Ricks- short black
Tiffanys - blonde almost white
Age: 20s
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: S*****a ( think spanish guitar player)is a short petite mixed girl with gumdrop nips and a very tiny booty.
K******y (a state but also chicken)is a very petite blonde with no boobs and a tight little booty about 5 ft pierced clit
Recommendation: Yes
Bravo. Best encounter I've read in a long time.
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Was K******y day shift or night shift?
Dr Grey's Avatar
Very nice! Sounded like a great nite!
K was night shift
I didn't know Tiffs had a vip - where is it?
Very nice
the first post was 6 years ago
gman44's Avatar
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