
dookiexp's Avatar
I have lost my BCD status and wanted to see why my understanding was that for every review we got 4 weeks of BCD or am i wrong?

Any helps is welcomed.


It's better than you think ......... you get 6 weeks premium access for each review. Here's a link to read through that is very helpful .......... http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=24080

As the review count is not yet automated you need to submit a quick email to the mods. at austin@eccie.net and include links to your reviews to speed up the process. It will get better and in a short time be an automated system but for the short term bear with us and we'll try to get you back to PA status as soon as possible.
dookiexp's Avatar
thanks for the update, i have sent an email!
Guest062716's Avatar

Your reviews have been reviewed, approved and your PA access extended 12 weeks.

Thanks for your contributions.


Hey! That's a good thread!!!
I have 2 reviews on eccie (and I'm just getting started) and I didn't even know of this rule.
I'm such a stupid fool! :-) Think of all the goodies I've been missing.
I'm sending my email!!!!!
dookiexp's Avatar
Thanks for the fast response's everyone much appreciated,
Indeed! Excellent response time. You guys rock!