Ok, I have had enough

I have been having to deal with billyland and his outlandishness for six years now and quite frankly he has been cyberbullying and stalking me and just won't let up on his relentless bullshit.

Making commentary STILL on all of my reviews under his main account or other two accounts that can't be linked back to him quite frankly I am sick and tired of it and it needs to quit.
Enough is enough billy( boy)land she has kindly asked you to stop your crap why don’t you do it.? I have a great idea if you want to bully someone do it to me the only catch is you have to do it to my face OK!! Hopefully Ms Morgan that helps but I doubt it... not as long as he can hide behind his keyboard. Hope to get to meet you soon. I’m in Jackson, Ms.
Sorry you continue to have to deal with this, Kynsley.

Billyland...give it a rest, please, and move on.
Cassie107's Avatar
I think we are all above and beyond fed up with all the trolling he continues to do under multiple accounts. If he spent half of much energy trying to be a positive member of the community he might get a bj or two more often lol. Instead it's landed him on the DNS list of 95% of Eccie. It's quite sad when someone has such low self esteem they have to constantly attack people.
Pravenwulf's Avatar
Like everyone else has said let it go billyland. We all see it and are tired of the crap. I’ve posted on the board before and I will reiterate my previous comments.

If you have such a disdain for a lady then move on. Stop trolling and harassing online. You are entitled to your opinion but I will say that KM is an amazing provider and person. You don’t have to agree and frankly I don’t care what your opinion is. Your voice has been heard with your strong views so you’ve said your piece time to move on.

Life’s to short to be an ass. The hobby is supposed to be fun for everyone including the providers. Regardless of what your beef is move on and visit the ladies you like and will is it with you

The fact you don’t want to see KM just leaves her more time to see those of us that enjoy her company. So let off please and let’s get back to enjoying the hobby, after all that’s why we do it.

I doubt this will help but we are all hoping you will hear this so we don’t have to keep seeing BS trolling under multiple handles.
I agree, get a life and move on already dude, wtf!!!
Billy , try this . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXx-n6T7tZg Originally Posted by AdamBomB
That’s some funny shit right there. I usually don’t get involved but I agree with everyone else, Billyland why don’t you leave her alone. I’ve known her for a very long time and she’s exactly like she’s always been, a true professional ! She does speak her mind and sometimes doesn’t have a filter but has always treated me right ( plus she’s really sexy!)
“Plus she’s really sexy.” My goodness, isn’t that the truth!?!
Thank you so much for the support, guys.
KM, I can't add much more to the thread that already has been said. You are a top notch person and provider in my book and anything negative BL or whoever says about you is total rubbish.

Billyland, as you can see, we've all grown tired of your rants and insults so please get a clue and move the fuck on.
  • vadc
  • 04-04-2019, 09:13 PM
I dont see any post? What am I missing?
coast_encounter's Avatar
Most likely the message was typed using the "private tags" so only members with Premium Access can see the comments.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I have been having to deal with billyland and his outlandishness for six years now and quite frankly he has been cyberbullying and stalking me and just won't let up on his relentless bullshit.

Making commentary STILL on all of my reviews under his main account or other two accounts that can't be linked back to him quite frankly I am sick and tired of it and it needs to quit. Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
Chin up, sweetie. This, too, shall pass. Sorry you are having this trouble.

I don’t like board drama, but where else can a respected provider seek refuge and understanding in these circumstances? I’ve met you and don’t know Billy from Adam’s house cat. I believe you, but don’t know how to help beyond lending a sympathetic ear.

School kids have a tough enough time dealing with bullying. We try to teach our kids better. It ought not have to carry over into adult life, too. But, sadly it does.