Special note and pic inside! Sorry BR! I have to cancel Refractured my foot- Will be out for a few weeks!

Busty Petite Viviana's Avatar

Will reschedule with a make up treat in a few weeks!
You guys are always so amazing and treat me so good I feel terrible.

But Thanks for understanding ❤️

See you again soon😔

Greyhounddog's Avatar
Take care V. Hope to be back in NOLA in about 2-3 weeks!
I’m a professional, I could help you with that ����
myren1900's Avatar
Hope you will get better soon. Take care Viviana.

Tigerbait929's Avatar
Poor thing hope everything heals and would to see you when you return
cameltoe101's Avatar
Get well soon sweetie..
Hoping for a speedy recovery V.
I hope you feel better. I was really hoping to see you this coming week......Well things happen. I hope you have a good recovery
myren1900's Avatar
Hope you are recovering well. You are missed and we need you back !

annie@christophers's Avatar
Hope goid soon..
Xxoo annie
Greyhounddog's Avatar
Thinking about you V!
Hope that you are healing well.
myren1900's Avatar
Welcome back Viviana !

Nice to have a full line-up to sustain my healthy diet of LL girls aka Lovely, Lean girls !

myren1900's Avatar