Days that you hobby?

It seems to me that every time that Jackson gets graced by a beautiful young new lady visiting that it is always between Thursday and Sunday. That’s the time that I am either going out of town or real life gets in the way. I was just curious as to when is the most popular days to hobby for others? It might be just my bad luck on my timing, and it just wasn’t meant to be.
I feel the pain and have wondered the same I chalked it up to wasn’t meant to be. But I’m going to keep trying . I have even reached out personally to some out of state ladies that when they visit give me a heads up ... we’ll see.
greyghost48's Avatar
Unfortunately these days my playtime is limited to Tuesdays and Thursdays and usually day visits. And like Goose I try to get someone to pass by here on their way to Jackson, Memphis or Birmingham, but am usually unsuccessful.
biomed1's Avatar
I hobby on the days that end in "y".
If she is available and I am interested - it doesn't matter to me which day of the week it is.
Guitar's Avatar
It's GOT to be the weekend for me. I can't get away from the household during the week. Job and family take up all week. Weekend is my ONLY playtime.
Like you Guitar, Monday through Friday here.
My schedule is complicated. 3 hours here, 6 hours there. None the next day.

Some of it is work. Some of it is family. Some of it is just being social and having obligations and expectations.

So when I say I have Thursday evening available but not Friday evening, that is my schedule. Saturday AM is ok, but not Sat afternoon or evening. And so forth.
Well I’ll be in Jackson tomorrow and try to accommodate in any way I can !!