Provider cancelations

I was visiting a city for a few days. I booked with a reputable client that this city. I originally booked for a certain day and time, but she was unavailable at that time, but said she was available the next day a little later on in the day. I was available during the time, so we booked. The day before, she confirms with me that we are still good for our date, and she would text me the morning of her location. The morning of, she texts me less than a hour and a half before our date, saying, my oldest daughter is pregnant and she’s having issues and I need to run her to the doctor....keep in mind, I am visiting from out of town. I plan on visiting this city again, what would you say would be a fair compensation to ask for when booking with her again? Her cancelation policy states; “Cancelations within 4 hours of your scheduled appointment require a cancelation fee of 100% of the appointment rate.”
ben dover's Avatar
LOL... Good luck with that!
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I offer 50% off of the next meeting. I can count on 1 hand how many times I’ve canceled in 8 years though too. And if someone should error and cancel,or forget about their meeting, and pay a cancel fee, 100% is of it is applied to the next visit. I don’t ask for anything, I myself am not willing to do. When I had to cancel my photo shoot due to illness, I still paid for the time that the photographer reserved for me. He may have been counting on that for bills or something else. It all comes down to being considerate on both sides.
hueyfan's Avatar
See what she says, if anything. You may not want to book with her in the future. Personally, I have been "no showed" only a couple of times. Needless to say, I never tried to book them again.
NCNS's and last minute cancellations are the rule, not the exception. I would move on and find a different provider. This one has a 100% fail rate.
She cancelled on you! Big deal, at least she gave you an hour+ notice and didn't ghost you.

It happens and is part of the hobby. I always look at flakes a little different. Be glad she didn't show. Imagine she had and imagine what service you would have received? Probably would have been lackluster service as her mind would have been else where. By cancelling your wallet is full.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
could be worse
she could have asked can you give daughter a ride to see Doc
then that done
Daughter asks for a ride to jail to see guy that got her that way
That done lady you wanted to see busy with Mr Next
so what the hell ya fun with Daughter
when having that fun
lady you wanted to see texts btw I'll cut your dick off if you touch her

crap, I think I been there

but I had ma after the daughters BBSS
... Her cancelation policy states; “Cancelations within 4 hours of your scheduled appointment require a cancelation fee of 100% of the appointment rate.” Originally Posted by TomahawkChop69
I guess you owe her 100% of the fee because of the cancellation within the 4 hours time-frame - I hate when that happens!!

The ol' pregnant daughter to the doctor excuse... If I had a nickel for every time I've heard THAT one! Yes should demand a, no... you should demand a freebie... no, no, no... you should demand she pay YOU!! That's it! Problem solved!! Good luck - Make sure you let us know how it all works out...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-03-2019, 05:48 AM
NCNS's and last minute cancellations are the rule, not the exception. I would move on and find a different provider. This one has a 100% fail rate. Originally Posted by Anonymous01
The norm? Not if you do some basic research. Do they happen? Yes, and that is always a bad thing whichever side does it. But if they are the norm for you I would suggest you look in the mirror for a large part of the reason.

Also, how do you know the specific lady's track record? Or are you saying 100% cancellations are everone's history?
Solemate62's Avatar
Take the hint and move on. She’s not the only provider in that city! Had the same bullshit happen to me in Tulsa few months back only this blowoff line was “Under the weather with a bad cold, don’t want to give it to you.” Within 30 minutes I scheduled with another lady and we did the deed!
GuddKitty2589's Avatar
I’m sorry babe for what happened to. I would think that the clients cancel more than the providers. If I cancel which is rare, I always let my client know in advance as well as offer a discount if the session is rescheduled.
Pangolier's Avatar
Ever since I first saw a mistress, there's only been two occasions where a reduced rate was offered due to rescheduling. one time was with a regular where I had already paid for the room and she had to cancel on me and said I could take the room fee out of the next donation. The second time the provider had to reschedule twice in less than a week, and simply offered me a reduced donation for the initial appointment.

my personal opinion is that if you ask this particular provider for a discount based on the circumstances, she will either block you or send you a nastygram, one of the two.
Eric586's Avatar
I had a lady NCNS me last week. She gave me the location the night before. It was a 11am appointment when I got close I texted her with no reply so I parked nearby and called and texted wit no reply for 30min so I went home. She texted me at 3pm that she slept in and offered to pay fpr my gas. Needles to say I was disappointed but it is not the first time someone did a NCNS on me.
swwaustin's Avatar
She cancelled on you! Big deal, at least she gave you an hour+ notice and didn't ghost you.

It happens and is part of the hobby.... Originally Posted by Fizley

Being cancelled on blows, but better than being ghosted, being given an hours notice better than sitting in the parking lot and then getting cancelled on. I’ve dealt with all of those options. Choose either to move on or see her, but to think you’re owed a discount because of a cancellation an hour before, nah. I hate having my time wasted as much as the next guy, but RW shit does occur at inopportune times. Believe her or not is up to you, but just in case it is true, really, do you want her to give you a discount for having to deal with her daughter? Just sounds like bad karma to me bro. If you do decide to see her, just ask her to fuck you extra good