Rush Limbaugh: Do you realize it may well be the Democrat primary race is over?

  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2019, 11:11 AM
In recent polls, Biden is pulling ahead of the pack. Almost 3X as many Democrats would pick him as the next highest candidate, Bernie Sanders,

Rush Limbaugh is predicting Biden will face Trump in the general election:

Like Trump, he's trying to find a silver lining. Limbaugh's is that some Bernie Sanders supporters will vote for Trump. Fat chance. They might stay home but they won't vote for Trump.

Biden is going to be a lot harder to beat than Hillary Clinton, and Hillary Clinton won the majority of the popular vote.

Trump supporters can't bank on the economy, which may not be so peachy come November of 2020. While economists don't think Trump's tariffs will markedly hurt people here, they said the same thing the last time Republicans supported a trade war, in 1930. That didn't turn out so well.
I don't understand why the Dims want to start running people so soon other than to blow through donor money so they can get more.

Like Hillary, I don't think Joe can stand up to the pounding of a Presidential Campaign.

But let him and Big Stacey suck all the O2 out of the room.
Creepy Joe will be hard to beat.

He tends to say stupid stuff, though.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Biden will not survive the primaries. He's already repeated the insult that all Trump supporters are racists. He's apologized for being white and male, like those things should be despised. His attack on Clarence Thomas was straight up racist. He was against busing for integration. He's on record as being involved in some very shady business in Ukraine the details of which are still leaking out. He's on record as being for the wall that he now says he is against. He was vice president when Odumbo and hildebeest breathed new life into the African slave trade in Libya. He's on record as ghost whispering to foreign leaders who have been dead for years. He's made repeated racist remarks and there's his touchy-feely thing in the "#MeToo" era. He won't survive.
Biden will not survive the primaries. He's already repeated the insult that all Trump supporters are racists. He's apologized for being white and male, like those things should be despised. His attack on Clarence Thomas was straight up racist. He was against busing for integration. He's on record as being involved in some very shady business in the Ukraine the details of which are still leaking out. He's on record as being for the wall that he now says he is against. He was vice president when Odumbo and hildebeest breathed new life into the African slave trade in Libya. He's on record as ghost whispering to foreign leaders who have been dead for years. He's made repeated racist remarks and there's there's his touchy-feely thing in the "#MeToo" era. He won't survive. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He may die of old age.

The Ukrainian thing is getting ready to hit the fan.

As for his apology tour, he hasn't appears apologized for being born as of yet, he is saving that for the first debate.
Joe is already sounding fractured during his rally speeches.

He sounds like an old dyslexic drunk that's taking Adderall to keep up.

Kind of like Ted Kennedy in a few of his speeches. Just rambling in incoherent babble.
lustylad's Avatar
The Ukrainian thing is getting ready to hit the fan. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Anyone else notice how the MSM is outraged that Giuliani is considering a trip to Ukraine to shed light on Biden's highly improper conduct there? Oh no, that's not fair! You're inviting a foreign country to interfere in our election!

This is an obvious attempt to deflect from reporting what Biden actually did in Ukraine, which was brazenly corrupt.

Of course, when the dems go abroad seeking dirt on trump, it's a different story. The MSM doesn't scream about foreign interference then. They just eagerly disseminate whatever the dimotard dirt-seekers feed them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Anyone else notice how the MSM is outraged that Giuliani is considering a trip to Ukraine to shed light on Biden's highly improper conduct there? Oh no, that's not fair! You're inviting a foreign country to interfere in our election!

This is an attempt to deflect from reporting what Biden actually did in Ukraine, which was brazenly corrupt.

Of course, when the dems go abroad seeking dirt on trump, it's a different story. The MSM doesn't scream about foreign interference then. They just eagerly disseminate whatever the dimotard dirt-seekers feed them. Originally Posted by lustylad
Giuliani was royally pissed on Shannon Bream's show last night. He realized almost too late that the invitation to the Ukraine was a setup to involve him and Trump in another false foreign collusion narrative. Someone he put trust in betrayed him, and he knows who it is.

He may die of old age.

The Ukrainian thing is getting ready to hit the fan.

As for his apology tour, he hasn't appears apologized for being born as of yet, he is saving that for the first debate. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That remark about speaking with Thatcher shows that he needs to stand down and retire from politics. His mind is going.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
In recent polls, Biden is pulling ahead of the pack. Almost 3X as many Democrats would pick him as the next highest candidate, Bernie Sanders,

Rush Limbaugh is predicting Biden will face Trump in the general election:

Like Trump, he's trying to find a silver lining. Limbaugh's is that some Bernie Sanders supporters will vote for Trump. Fat chance. They might stay home but they won't vote for Trump.

Biden is going to be a lot harder to beat than Hillary Clinton, and Hillary Clinton won the majority of the popular vote.

Trump supporters can't bank on the economy, which may not be so peachy come November of 2020. While economists don't think Trump's tariffs will markedly hurt people here, they said the same thing the last time Republicans supported a trade war, in 1930. That didn't turn out so well. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why do people keep pointing out that Hillary won the popular vote? We don't elect presidents by popular vote. Why not point out how many counties Trump won over Hillary or how many states. The fact is that Trump beat the "smartest" woman in the world. How can Uncle Joe do better than that?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they can have the PV, we'lll take the ECV!!!!
  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2019, 10:33 PM
Why do people keep pointing out that Hillary won the popular vote? We don't elect presidents by popular vote. Why not point out how many counties Trump won over Hillary or how many states. The fact is that Trump beat the "smartest" woman in the world. How can Uncle Joe do better than that? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Trump won fair and square in 2016. The popular vote and Russian interference are false excuses for Hillary's electoral defeat.

But that's not the issue at hand. There have only been 4 elections, out of 57 total, where the winner won the electoral college but didn't get the largest percentage of the popular vote. So what happened in 2016 was a relatively rare event. If you're counting on Democrats to win heavily on the west coast and in New York and New England, and to barely lose most of the rest of the country, so that Trump wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote, don't hold your breath, especially if Biden is the nominee. Biden would probably carry Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, states that Trump won in 2016
Trump won fair and square in 2016. The popular vote and Russian interference are false excuses for Hillary's electoral defeat.

But that's not the issue at hand. There have only been 4 elections, out of 57 total, where the winner won the electoral college but didn't get the largest percentage of the popular vote. So what happened in 2016 was a relatively rare event. If you're counting on Democrats to win heavily on the west coast and in New York and New England, and to barely lose most of the rest of the coast, so that Trump wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote, don't hold your breath, especially if Biden is the nominee. Biden would probably carry Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, states that Trump won in 2016 Originally Posted by Tiny
How is Bitten going to explain this tiny...will the left over look this indiscretion...
  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2019, 11:15 PM
How is Bitten going to explain this tiny...will the left over look this indiscretion... Originally Posted by bb1961
bb, Trump wants to waste a ton of money on some Great Wall of the Southwest as a testament to his power and grandeur. Instead you put in two high razor wire fences about 50 yards apart with landmines and robotic machine guns in between. For good measure add some floodlights, and pipe in that music they were playing when they invaded the beach in Apocalypse Now. Mission accomplished at a fraction of the cost.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Maybe it’s not too late for Oprah to save the day.
bb, Trump wants to waste a ton of money on some Great Wall of the Southwest as a testament to his power and grandeur. Instead you put in two high razor wire fences about 50 yards apart with landmines and robotic machine guns in between. For good measure add some floodlights, and pipe in that music they were playing when they invaded the beach in Apocalypse Now. Mission accomplished at a fraction of the cost. Originally Posted by Tiny
Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired...
WTF does this article have to do with Trump.
You off topic on YOUR OWN THREAD...
The topic of YOUR THREAD...Bitten a hard candidate to beat...and you respond with this nonsense.