So I had a provider schedule an appointment yesterday, say she was getting a room in the agreed upon general location and time, then I head that way and get to the area only to be ghosted and no response. Hours later I get the BS text with no excuse as to why but I chalk it up to the game and didn't have to go out of my way so no big deal. I get the "how can I make it up to you" yada yada and I was very nice as always. Then today get a PM from same provider saying she is available ton8ght and quoted a higher rate than yesterday and higher than her sig line. I sent a PM back explaining that I don't ride the short bus and sent a text to let her know I replied to her Pm.
Just disappointed with the whole situation....
I won't call her out but I will never watch an 80's sitcom with a freckled redhead without being disappointed.
I don't normally rant but just want to confirm I am justified in my disappointment. Thanks for your input and now it is time to put my drunk ass to bed....