The UK poised to elect a real conservative PM.

Boris Johnson seems to be on the verge of being the next PM of the UK as support for the Labor party continues to dwindle.
Another rejection of Liberalism.
Hopefully they have gotten rid of a Chamberlain and picked up a Churchill.

The New York Crimes has already started hand ringing!!
The left hates him as much as Trump...and that's why I like Johnson and know absolutely nothing about him.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This fucker tweets...their own Donald Trump!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Come on TWK lets do a Johnson dance.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Come on TWK lets do a Johnson dance. Originally Posted by bb1961

i'm an American .. this is as close as it gets

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Johnson caved on the last vote. (he voted for soon-to-be ex-PM May's brexit bill).

a divided party cannot stand and deliver. Tories are in trouble. they haven't been conservative in along time; they've been on the progressive teat.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well anyway .. this is good thing for Britain. All of Britain including those uppity provinces.
May didn't the the tits to make a deal. What deal? send the EU the FUCK YOU letter and be done with it already!!

How will the EU respond? they will REJECT Britain's exit. they will claim some obscure clause that allows them to reject a member's exit. oh yeah .. there is such a clause. Article 50.

it's murky enough to give the EU the ability to stall off any member's exit. With Boris the Spider in charge (presumably) that won't happen

now let's watch the "Community Organizer" try use his influence on a foreign nation to try and prevent BREXIT ..

FAIL!!! like his presidency.

And his leaning are what a lot in the republican party...not any Ronald Reagan's around anymore...what's your point. I like Trump but he's no Reagan.

From the body of the article:

For Johnson’s part, he’s not playing games. When asked about Brexit, he laid down a hard deadline and said there will be no more extensions, deal or no deal.

“We will leave the EU on October 31, deal or no deal… The way to get a good deal is to prepare for a no deal. To get things done you need to be prepared to walk away.”
Sounds like common sense to me. May’s tact of basically begging the EU not to blackmail them wasn’t working. It’s time to call their bluff and Johnson is the kind of leader who will do it. The EU needs Britain’s trade as much as Britain needs them. There’s no reason for France and Germany to be lording over the U.K. in the manner they’ve been since the original vote. If the EU wants to try to punish the Brits, I’m sure there are plenty of American companies that’ll be happy to work out new avenues of trade.

No doubt, this will all lead to plenty of tears and leftists everywhere will continue to lose their minds, but that’s ok. The people voted to leave the corrupt scheme that is the EU and they deserve to have their vote respected. No more extensions, no more referendums, and no more games.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah okay there to far gone
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And his leaning are what a lot in the republican party...not any Ronald Reagan's around anymore...what's your point. I like Trump but he's no Reagan.

From the body of the article:

For Johnson’s part, he’s not playing games. When asked about Brexit, he laid down a hard deadline and said there will be no more extensions, deal or no deal.

“We will leave the EU on October 31, deal or no deal… The way to get a good deal is to prepare for a no deal. To get things done you need to be prepared to walk away.”
Sounds like common sense to me. May’s tact of basically begging the EU not to blackmail them wasn’t working. It’s time to call their bluff and Johnson is the kind of leader who will do it. The EU needs Britain’s trade as much as Britain needs them. There’s no reason for France and Germany to be lording over the U.K. in the manner they’ve been since the original vote. If the EU wants to try to punish the Brits, I’m sure there are plenty of American companies that’ll be happy to work out new avenues of trade.

No doubt, this will all lead to plenty of tears and leftists everywhere will continue to lose their minds, but that’s ok. The people voted to leave the corrupt scheme that is the EU and they deserve to have their vote respected. No more extensions, no more referendums, and no more games. Originally Posted by bb1961

I like Johnson, but I am skeptical. so we'll see if he follows thru if elected.

He's a heavy favorite but I think there are enough remainers to make this a very close race.
I like Johnson, but I am skeptical. so we'll see if he follows thru if elected.

He's a heavy favorite but I think there are enough remainers to make this a very close race. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
When people are elected...following thru is not always top priority...if he doesn't follow thru with his promise...I will stand corrected.
The fact that left considers him a Trump clone is good enough for me!!