Don't Blame Karl Marx for 'Cultural Marxism'

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Political correctness isn't a communist plot.

Lind and Buchanan claimed that various progressive social or legal changes—from sex education in public schools to speech codes on college campuses—are the deliberate result of a program set in motion decades ago by a squad of philosophers, musicologists, psychologists, and incomprehensible brainiacs arising out of a Marxist/Freudian ferment between the world wars in Europe.

That gang is known as the Frankfurt School, because they launched their Institute for Social Research at Goethe University Frankfurt in the 1920s. Their orbit included such recondite social philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, and Theodor Adorno.

The story goes that these eggheads saw that Marx's predictions about the contradictions in capitalism producing a proletarian revolt were failing to come true. They decided that traditional Western culture was keeping the masses from their revolutionary mission and needed to be annihilated. Religion, the family, traditional sexual mores, belief in objective truth—all had to be overturned. So they launched "critical theory" to demolish the sacred principles that made Western civilization great and pave the way for communist tyranny and an eventual stateless utopia.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
French socialist philosopher Michel Foucault wrote about political correctness in the frightened him. Jeremy Bentham wrote about a prison 200 years earlier. A round prison with a central tower that. Could look inside each cell. The Windows in the tower were shuttered so it was impossible for the inmates to know when or if they were being watched. Any infraction of the rules and every occupant of the cell was severely punished. After a time the inmates would police themselves to avoid punishment. After a time the tower may not even be manned. Political correctness is the same, if you're a celebrity or student in a massive liberal organization will punished if they deviate from the orthodoxy. The punishers will punish because they want to avoid punishment themselves. At any time someone could be monitoring your words or actions so they tend to control your thoughts. The modern leftie cowering in the corner says please don't hurt me.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah , Read 1984 its just to true Now scary even ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
French socialist philosopher Michel Foucault wrote about political correctness in the frightened him. Jeremy Bentham wrote about a prison 200 years earlier. A round prison with a central tower that. Could look inside each cell. The Windows in the tower were shuttered so it was impossible for the inmates to know when or if they were being watched. Any infraction of the rules and every occupant of the cell was severely punished. After a time the inmates would police themselves to avoid punishment. After a time the tower may not even be manned. Political correctness is the same, if you're a celebrity or student in a massive liberal organization will punished if they deviate from the orthodoxy. The punishers will punish because they want to avoid punishment themselves. At any time someone could be monitoring your words or actions so they tend to control your thoughts. The modern leftie cowering in the corner says please don't hurt me. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

yeah, but Foucault was talking about a panopticon system where everyone is watched and punishment meted out. that is the system China is implementing on its citizens using cams & social credit. I don't think this applies here in as far as political correctness goes.

what we got going here in the west is different.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah NOT if the liberal re-tards get there way , just think AOC in charge