climate change - bali volcano erupts

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's a beautiful picture.

Was that video real time? It seemed like the cars just kept moving at normal speeds.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yes i believe it was taken real time.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the eruption of a volcano shows is why I think most climate modelling being done is inaccurate. it throws the climate prediction out of whack.
LexusLover's Avatar
the eruption of a volcano shows is why I think most climate modelling being done is inaccurate. it throws the climate prediction out of whack. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Volcano eruptions are more of a symptom of why all this hand wringing about "climate changes" in an attempt to modify Man's behavior with respect to transportation and living quarters is tripe and nonsensical, unscientific bullshit.

Pioneering new research has shed new light on the causes behind an 'ice-age' that took place on Earth around 170 million years ago.

An international team of experts, including researchers from the Camborne School of Mines, have found evidence of a large and abrupt cooling of the Earth's temperature during the Jurassic Period, which lasted millions of years.
The retort of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers is: "It's a lie"!

"Earth history from 170 million years ago doesn't "lie," because it's ETCHED IN STONE!
The retort of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers is: "It's a lie"!

"Earth history from 170 million years ago doesn't "lie," because it's ETCHED IN STONE![/QUOTE]

This reminds me of the argument from fundamentalist Christians that the world was really created in 7 days and fossils were placed by the devil to confuse people.
The retort of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers is: "It's a lie"!

"Earth history from 170 million years ago doesn't "lie," because it's ETCHED IN STONE! Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
This reminds me of the argument from fundamentalist Christians that the world was really created in 7 days and fossils were placed by the devil to confuse people.[/QUOTE]

The Socialist/Progressive/Liberal/Democrats can’t levy a carbon tax against Mother Nature.

What a perplexing delima.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A volcano erupts and seven years of global warming resistance goes right out the window.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A volcano erupts and seven years of global warming resistance goes right out the window. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

yep, we had a quite a few eruptions the last few years.

1 in Hawaii last year
2 years ago, 2 volcanoes erupted.. one in Iceland and another one in I think central america or south america.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This reminds me of an oil spill in California some years ago. They rescued a sea lion covered in crude and nursed it back to health. They cleaned it up and set the day for its release. The media was there, local politicians were there, and everyone was jubilant never mind it cost 17,000 for one sea was worth it! The big moment came and the sea lion slid down a carefully constructed chute. He cut the water perfectly. Everyone cheered as the sea lion headed out to sea. About a hundred yards out and in full view of the children a killer whale rose up and deftly snapped up the sea lion. One volunteered,"well, there goes $17,000." Nature is a hitch.
LexusLover's Avatar

This reminds me of the argument from fundamentalist Christians that the world was really created in 7 days .... Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Which ones actually believe it was "7 days"?

Unfortunately for nonbelievers (those who do not believe in God) it is too easy to dismiss all believers by labeling them ....

... fundamentalist Christians ...."
Christian fundamentalism, movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century in reaction to theological modernism, which aimed to revise traditional Christian beliefs to accommodate new developments in the natural and social sciences, especially the theory of biological evolution.
There will always be "loons" on the outer fringes of reality in either direction on just about any issue, but since the topic is "climate changes" vs movement in the subsurface of the Earth geological revelations and more recent scientific instruments to measure Earth's inner flow, shrinking, and expansion on almost a daily basis along with measuring of heat changes on the back drop of billions of years of CLIMATE CHANGES ... it's not difficult to identify the LOONS on those topics.

Interestingly enough they are almost to the person the same LOONS who tout the theme of: this country was built by "immigration" so the invasion of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS is good for the country and it's anti-American for Trump to want to keep them from entering the country even though all the Presidents in our lives said the same thing as Trump ... and within the last few decades have promised to do something about it, but didn't. They are full of shit .... "they" meaning the LOONS espousing "Man" is destroying the Earth with cars, planes, and factories that burn carbon fuels ... so they want to resort to horse-drawn wagons and horseback as transportation ... except for themselves, of course.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This reminds me of an oil spill in California some years ago. They rescued a sea lion covered in crude and nursed it back to health. They cleaned it up and set the day for its release. The media was there, local politicians were there, and everyone was jubilant never mind it cost 17,000 for one sea was worth it! The big moment came and the sea lion slid down a carefully constructed chute. He cut the water perfectly. Everyone cheered as the sea lion headed out to sea. About a hundred yards out and in full view of the children a killer whale rose up and deftly snapped up the sea lion. One volunteered,"well, there goes $17,000." Nature is a bitch. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

LexusLover's Avatar
Nature is a bitch. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That revelations reminded me of this famous quote:

Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect.

— Captain A. G. Lamplugh, British Aviation Insurance Group, London. c. early 1930's.
Gravity and energy ... "Mother Nature"! Both overpower Man's attempt to master them with fossil fuels.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yep. A killer whale, just 100 yards off shore, by itself (a highly social animal who are seldom seen by themselves), and no one preparing the event saw the whale surface to breath (a 6 foot high dorsal fin on a large male) until it attacked the sea lion.

You sure love those anecdotes. They "trump" facts every time....right?

Snick, snick.

This reminds me of an oil spill in California some years ago. They rescued a sea lion covered in crude and nursed it back to health. They cleaned it up and set the day for its release. The media was there, local politicians were there, and everyone was jubilant never mind it cost 17,000 for one sea was worth it! The big moment came and the sea lion slid down a carefully constructed chute. He cut the water perfectly. Everyone cheered as the sea lion headed out to sea. About a hundred yards out and in full view of the children a killer whale rose up and deftly snapped up the sea lion. One volunteered,"well, there goes $17,000." Nature is a hitch. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You believe a single article, from 4 years ago,one with no follow up or information, other than it took 10 years collecting fossils. Even the article uses the word "suggests". Nothing sure or definite.
You sure get a lot of mileage out of a single data point. Everything from democrates calling it a lie ( a single study unheard of by most so why would they call it a lie?) to discrediting 20-30 years of data collection.
And don't forget the denier claim that any recognition of the fact we need to change our behavior means we want horses and carts to come back. Yes, the school of mines study (them weighting in on climate doesn't make you check into them?) can analyze the gas ratios (your "etched in stone" fact), but still only suggests.
One data point, by a school with ties to fossil fuel, with no follow up, isn't really anything.
I couldn't even find the actual study.

Oh, and don't forget the disclaimer.

"Disclaimer:AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system."

Most have been fed fake-news before. And since they only care about the "clicks" and not the content they don't check......
Volcano eruptions are more of a symptom of why all this hand wringing about "climate changes" in an attempt to modify Man's behavior with respect to transportation and living quarters is tripe and nonsensical, unscientific bullshit.

The retort of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers is: "It's a lie"!

"Earth history from 170 million years ago doesn't "lie," because it's ETCHED IN STONE! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Yep. A killer whale, just 100 yards off shore, by itself (a highly social animal who are seldom seen by themselves), and no one preparing the event saw the whale surface to breath (a 6 foot high dorsal fin on a large male) until it attacked the sea lion. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
who are seldom seen by themselves
"100 yards"? ...

(Note to self: Avoid intoxicated fools today.)