because strict gun control always prevents violent crime..

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
One schoolgirl killed, 12 injured in stabbing at Japan bus stop: NHK

Japan has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. and that always stops violence .. right????
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
One schoolgirl killed, 12 injured in stabbing at Japan bus stop: NHK

Japan has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. and that always stops violence .. right???? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

who ever wrote that didn't proofread.... injury tally is inconsistent.

says 19 injured in another paragraph below.

but still someone will find ways to kill people by stabbing, or driving into a crowd.

this is a people problem.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

this is a people problem. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah outlaw knifes ,,,, and Chicago like 40 people shot over weekend ( the Liberal gun controls there work)
txdot-guy's Avatar
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

gun control makes it harder for citizens to prevent gun deaths.
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

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I always love 1 sided wiki articles. What it also doesn't discuss is any comparative statistics of overall crimes stopped by the right to carry vs. strict gun control.

So as you state gun control doesn't stop violent crime and various studies show many other highly gun controlled countries with higher incidents of overall violent crime.
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Maybe you should move there ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

factor out Chitown and Motown and what would that rate look like then?

All Democratic strongholds with oppressive gun control laws.

thank you valued poster!
JRLawrence's Avatar
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Fact of life: it is mathamatically impossible to hire enough police to prevent someone (an idiot, if you will) from trying to harm you.

I had a big guy walk in the front door of my office, that didn't look right. When I asked if I could help him: no response. He raised a 3 foot section of 2 by 4 as a club and I raised a 38 revolver pointed at his head.

He left, and the police didn't even want to write a report, just asked why I didn't just shoot the son of a bitch. Good question. But I didn't have to.

This happens more than you can begin to imagine. It is the gun that will stop a crime from happening to you. It usually doesn't go into the statistics.

You have been listening to too much liberal Damnacrat bull shit propaganda.

Guns shouldn't be in the hands of idiots: but then, we shouldn't allow them to vote either.

As they use to say down south: you sound like you just fell off of the turnip truck.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You should read and understand your own list. First, your sources are highly suspect and the information is incomplete but let's take it at face value; the US has more weapons per capita than any other country. More than 4X more than Switzerland or Finland. That sounds like the more guns the more death...but is it? The suicide rate by gun is three times higher in the US than in either country. Of course suicide by gun is a choice. Still, it seems clear that the more guns, the more death and the US is number, wait! The US is not number one. The US is number nine gun deaths and fourteen in homicides. The numbers don't correlate. There has to something else at work. Take away the suicides and the death rate is cut in half.
You know, I did notice that most of the real violent nations are to the south of us. That's a real good reason to get control of our border and stop illegal immigration. Are you a racist? Sounds like you're actually making a case for keeping out brown people and some black people.
Then again, if you take the top six cities in the US out of the equation then US is just as safe as Switzerland.
It must be the people and not the guns. I'm not sure I agree with you tx-dot that we should get rid of, or at least disarm, all black and brown people.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that I think of it tx-dot, won't killing all those people like you want to do be classified as a mass shooting?...Of know if we meet on the street, don't take it personal if I act like I don't know you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Japan 0.06 Originally Posted by txdot-guy

having a homogenus society helps alot in having few killings.

diverse society... tends to be much more rougher...
rexdutchman's Avatar
Strict gun control ONLY helps Outa control guberments control people ,,, To many examples to list ,,, ,,,
  • grean
  • 05-29-2019, 04:48 PM
list of countries by firearm related death rate.
Gun Deaths per 100,000 people.
US 12.21
Japan 0.06

Gun control doesn't stop violent crime. but it does make it harder to have mass casualties. Gun Control limits gun deaths. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
There are a number of factors that make any comparison of two different countries like apples & tomatoes. They're both red and that's where any similarities stop. You ever had apples on your whataburger?

Let's instead just look at ourselves. In the past 30 years gun sales have gun through the roof, while violent crime went from 747/100k in 1993 to 389/100k in 2017. There's an inverse relationship there if any relationship exists at all.

Also the constant talk of banning rifles that relate to a ridiculously low number of crime, is illogical.

Almost every goddamn school shooting, save a couple that happen to make headlines, had a pistol present as well. That means banning rifles would not in any way stop a school shooting. They would just use something else.

If politicians were serious about stopping gun deaths they wouldn't be talking about banning a weapon that is involved in so few. They would be talking about banning pistols. They aren't because that won't get them votes.

They could attack income equality. The American worker hasn't had ano actually raise in 30 years. That might actually cause violent crime to go down. That doesn't get them votes either.

Making good men helpless will never make bad men harmless.