Rookie mistakes

VillianandAble's Avatar
I messed up pretty good this past week. There was a provider I'd been interested in seeing for a while, and long story short, I got WAY too overeager and wound up turning what could've been a fun evening into Creepy Text theatre. 100% my fault. I own that. This is supposed to be fun for all parties, and I don't want make anyone feel bad.

I was interested in seeing another provider with availability last weekend, but never received a response. So now I'm concerned I've got a bad rep before I've even met with anyone.

I was fairly active in the hobby in the early 2010's, but am basically a newbie again at this point. So I have to start over. It's a bit more of a complicated environment than last time when I could use p411 and TER as a supplement to ECCIE. A safer environment for all - which is a good thing - but more complicated.

This board is for more established people, so I'd like some advice - specifically from the ladies on here. After taking a step back, I know I made 1 small mistake (I forgot to put my last name on a screening form), then blew it up to a suffocating level trying to overcorrect. Do I reach out and apologize? I am truly sorry, and it seems like the right thing to do, but I don't want to send ANOTHER thing off to the same person when they might already be freaked out.

Also how long should a person wait before following up on a screening form? I don't remember having to deal with these before, and I've been sending a follow up text/email the next day. Too soon?
burkalini's Avatar
All I can say is NEVER EVER put anything on paper or email that connects to your RW life. It can be used against you for years to come. I understand the gals wanting it to protect them selves but we need to protect ourselves also. There are a lot of choices so pick one that doesn't need that
I would agree with Burk. Move on, I don't believe you did anything to do anything over the top. Just find a provider that is trusted and build a good quality standing. You will be fine, don't read too much into it.
I have providers ignored me before. I move on.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
As you don't have any posted reviews in quite a while, nor (I assume) current references, you will need to go through newbie screening.
Expect that and note that quite a few of the gals do not see newbies. Thus, they may not respond.
Consider asking a gal that is newbie friendly for a date, and go through the applicable screening.