More #fake news...anything to besmirch Trump.

They truly are FAKE NEWS.
How many times does the LSM keep steeping in their own shit!!
North Korean diplomat alive and well...
Kim probably helped Trump...PUNK the LSM!!
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2019, 03:32 PM
This proves nothing. Maybe the North Koreans dragged Kim Yong Chol out of the forced labor camp and sat him down next to the Great Leader. None of the five North Korean diplomats who were allegedly executed have surfaced. This could lead you to believe the South Korean newspaper that broke the story about the executions had a credible source.
  • oeb11
  • 06-03-2019, 03:42 PM
Tiny - I think you are trusting an un-named source (from the North) in a SK paper, regarding a country hermetically sealed from the outside world. We know very little for sure about NK.
What they release to the outside is what they want us to think we know.
I suggest a healthy dose of skepticism about any "news" from NK uncorroborated and proven.
Disclaimer - if you regard the report as factual.
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2019, 03:53 PM
Oeb, Agreed. The newspaper supports the South Korean opposition party and this story is an embarrassment to the current prime minister. And several years ago the same newspaper published a story about a North Korean who purportedly was executed and later turned up alive and well. Finally they only have one source for this current story, who could be lying. Still the fact that the guy who was sent to the forced labor camp surfaced but the dead diplomats did not could lead you to believe they may be right this time.
  • oeb11
  • 06-03-2019, 04:17 PM
Tiny - agreed.

The West may never know the fate of those disappeared "diplomats" in NK.

I think any NK allowed outside the country is a Party member and likely part of their Intelligence Service, with diplomacy as a cover.

Thank yo for your cogent and constructive posts, and willingness to look at other opinions.
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2019, 04:28 PM
Interesting thought oeb. Yes, it’s very possible the Great Leader thinks we’re more likely to give into his demands if we believe he places no value on human life. Combine that with ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads and the threat of something bad happening seems more real. So this could be a false story planted by the North Koreans. Or a true story planted by the North Koreans.

Do you think the five are dead or alive?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So, were any other diplomats killed in the Obama years? Maybe Barry was not a good negotiator. I missed that story.
This proves nothing. Maybe the North Koreans dragged Kim Yong Chol out of the forced labor camp and sat him down next to the Great Leader. None of the five North Korean diplomats who were allegedly executed have surfaced. This could lead you to believe the South Korean newspaper that broke the story about the executions had a credible source. Originally Posted by Tiny
Probably Buzzfuck...
Interesting thought oeb. Yes, it’s very possible the Great Leader thinks we’re more likely to give into his demands if we believe he places no value on human life. Combine that with ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads and the threat of something bad happening seems more real. So this could be a false story planted by the North Koreans. Or a true story planted by the North Koreans.

Do you think the five are dead or alive? Originally Posted by Tiny
Ask the LSM.
I wasn't sure if you we talking about Stalin...
One way or the other...#FAKE NEWS!!