Get over yourself

Punky BrewsterXXX's Avatar
So when I first started hobbying I was a wreck and very nervous. I scheduled a double which I had never done before and got scared and backed out at the last minuet. Embarassed by my fear taking over and getting the best of me I was ashamed. So I made up a reason why I couldnt make it because I didnt want to say I would never do it was just that I wasnt ready to at that time. Well those people cant seem to gwt over it. They continue to bash me every chance they get and in everyway they can. Im fed up and tired of it. Move on with your life and get over your ego. Thats all I have to say.
A word of friendly advice....
You have said what you wanted to say. Don't re-enter the thread.
You will get cut to pieces.
notanewbie's Avatar
great advice
Another friendly suggestion:. Request mods change your handle name.

Fresh start and if the drama follows you we know who to blame.
azteclust's Avatar
So how scary is double action? I too never did it before, a girl watching during my session with her friend doesn't count lol
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
I don’t think it’s ego, you wasted his time, and you lied.
You are wrong, suck it up, admit it, and you move on with your life.
Then things will get to normal.
If you weren’t 100% sure you shouldn’t be in the hobby.
Guaranteed if you talk shit in coed, it makes you look like you don’t give a fuck that you wasted his time and then lied to him about it, and that’ll stick on you a hell of a lot longer.
Russ38's Avatar
A word of friendly advice....
You have said what you wanted to say. Don't re-enter the thread.
You will get cut to pieces. Originally Posted by tbone2u
great advice Originally Posted by notanewbie
^^^^ This shit.....I heard the gnashing of teeth as soon as it hit the board....
Yes sir, doesn't take long
Lol. Well this cracks me up as I made one comment about it on a thread about you canceling last minute cuz you " forgot you had jury duty" and sent a replacement that was stumbling around and being escorted by 2 men and the client bailed. One comment does not constitite me bashing you every chance I get. I may comment in this section 3 or 4 times a month. Guess you forgot when you texted me to verify a gentleman and found out who I was ,I was very nice and said if you needed advise or anything u could contact me. So before you come out publicly try to call me out with bad grammar and spelling, you might want to get your facts strait and stop overexagerating shit. Better yet. Be a woman and come at me directly if you have an issue with me sweetie. And FYI. It's not bashing you if it's something that's true. It's called facts.

I have and have always had a good reputation in here because I keep it 100% , Don't do fake and am drama free.

Anyway good luck girl. Seems like you are digging a hole for yourself. Changing your name and starting over just might be what you need to do. That post about you isn't the only negative thing Ive heard. Maybe stop with the BS and try and keep it honest.
Zzzzz you just may have dropped a couple points yourself just now
Wow! This thead has gone to the dogs.

Mods please lock this thread.
boardman's Avatar
Zzzzz you just may have dropped a couple points yourself just now Originally Posted by tbone2u

boardman's Avatar
Wow! This thead has gone to the dogs.

Mods please lock this thread. Originally Posted by Fizley

Oh hell no! Let's see what tomorrow brings. Threads like this are far more enlightening than any ad, threAd or review.
Chlorine's Avatar
Zzzzz you just may have dropped a couple points yourself just now Originally Posted by tbone2u
Why? Because I ended up trying to help her out even after she lied about why she didn't show up? By being honest? By telling her that honesty will get you further than making up BS and not doing a very good job of covering it up and getting caught? I'm strait forward with everyone. If I have an issue or problem with someone I'll be an adult about it and talk to said person.
And personally if you are going to talk shit and tell lies about me in a public forum and not have the balls to come talk to me threw texts or PM here, than yea. I will always stand up for myself. It was her choice to bring it here. So yea. I'll respond here as well. This is an obvious post to try to gain sympathy by playing the victim.
I was not mean, but I will always be honest and upfront.

So if I "dropped a few points" than I'm ok with that. I didn't realize honesty, standing up for for yourself when people flat out tell lies about you , and not being fake were bad qualities. And judging by the number of emails and PMs I've revieved with positive feedback over my comment , I think I'll survive this "point drop". The people I see like the fact that I'm strait forward and do not come with drama or BS!