I've always believed that it was solely the male brain that came up with all of the fetishes that are out there.
I was right, of course
, but this article tries to explain why:
I've seen a couple of weird things in my day. I guess if I don't name names then I can talk about it. The strangest, in my opinion, was "SPH" which stands for small penis humiliation. He actually got extremely turned on by being made fun of and laughed at for having a small penis. I think the hardest part for me was actually making fun of him but fearing he would get mad or have hurt feelings. But he loved it! It was so surreal.
Of course, I guess I've been asked to accommodate a couple of things that were even weirder, but I had to politely decline because I just didn't think I could play along
Originally Posted by Lily Blair
I have had a 'SPH' session where the penis was in no way small... It was hard to humiliate and keep it real. And, I've had a session where I did hurt the poor little fellas feelings. He called me cruel and left... lol
For some, it's an overwhelming fantasy that until they persue the issue, they will never really know if it is their 'fetish'.
For me, I just try to do the best I can at assisting them in their 'fantasy', what ever that may be. (with the exception no underage, beastiality or scat... and of course, sane as in nothing that may endanger their life and my freedom)