Ron White

Always a gent's Avatar
Any of you ladies and gents go to the show tonight? There was definitely some SD and SB there.
What would ol Ron have to say if he knew he was a hooker board in Shreveport Louisiana bet it would be good.
Always a gent's Avatar
I bet your right!!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
He’s probably lurking..
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
He’s probably lurking.. Originally Posted by drinkindreamin
… and drinkin.

I'd bet he'd say something like, "You cain't fix stupid; but you can fix horney. It just costs $300."

HID (21-HID)
Wouldn't wish this anyone but the one thing that would be better is if Larry The Cable Guy would get busted in Shreveport Louisiana I would pay good money to get to see that & hear him.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
On a serious note.. I got word from the federal court house and just wanted to share. I heard that there was a human trafficking case where a guy represented himself and was sentenced to 30 years. He appealed, still representing himself and judge sentenced him to 50years. It really makes you think about the game, the risk and how its interpreted by the law. I don’t feel our group is associated with such but law enforcement just sees one big boogie man. Not sure what I was thinking posting here, thought it was on my random bad relationship thread.
Ted Bundy represented his self & look at the outcome. Then on the other hand Robert Kaft had known telling how many lawyers on his deal. Justice in the USA O don't forget the OJ case.