Is this what Marshall and ilk are after?

Sa_artman's Avatar
Right wing extremism showing it's true colors. The equivalent of a tea party idiot here.

"Official sources and social media indicate that Breivik might be a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who may have had an issue with Norway's multi-cultural society. The attack may have been politically motivated, one official said."

"Apart from his anti-immigration policies, the Daily Mail and Fox News report that Breivik also argued that socialism was breaking down traditions, culture, national identity and other societal structures and that this in turn made society weak and confused."

Who should we fear the most? Islams or the fool who spends all day posting anti-Obama/anti-government rants on an escort site? Just saying.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Right wing extremism showing it's true colors. The equivalent of a tea party idiot here.

Who should we fear the most? Islams or the fool who spends all day posting anti-Obama/anti-government rants on an escort site? Just saying. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Well, sports fans, they may not actually be the same person inhabiting the same body, but they sure as hell have the same outlook on how to "convert" others in addition to exactly the same mental processes and personalities. Heaven forbid anyone having the temerity to disagree with either of them. There is no difference between Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, the members of "The Family" and the rest of their ilk (did I mention Glenn, Michelle and Sarah?) and any rag-headed Ayatollah. They're all spouting the same filth.
One deranged nut ball decides to pull a 9-11 in Norway, and all of a sudden every Fundementalist Christian is a time bomb ticking.

Come on, you can do better than that.

This piece of shit was neither Christian, or Right Wing. He was just that, a slime ball piece of shit. I doubt anybody can comprehend what goes through the mind of such a creature, except to say that his mind and the 9-11 Hyjackers were kindred spirits.

Killing in the name of your God is as evil as you can get. Not only are you committing a Capitol Crime, but you are being so out of your gourde that you think you know the will of God.

I hope he gets to hang with The Ayatolla Komeni, Timothy McVeia, Joe Stalin, Hitler, and any other Human Trash that have found Hell in Death.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-23-2011, 03:07 PM
I hope he gets to hang with The Ayatolla Komeni, Timothy McVeia, Joe Stalin, Hitler, and any other Human Trash that have found Hell in Death. Originally Posted by Jackie S
There is no hell. And sometimes that's unfortunate.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
This piece of shit was neither Christian, or Right Wing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
According to the links above he was both Christian and right wing, plus he had strong anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant views, but this does not mean all with his beliefs would stoop to his level.
He could call himself anything he wants, and those who want to exploit his deranged self description will do it.

But I will stick with slime ball piece of shit.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
But I will stick with slime ball piece of shit. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree, but it still does not change the fact that he was a right wing Christian. If you are taking offense because you may wear the same label, reread my post. I state that he is not a representative of right wing Christians around the world.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

I hope he gets to hang with The Ayatolla Komeni, Timothy McVeia, Joe Stalin, Hitler, and any other Human Trash that have found Hell in Death. Originally Posted by Jackie S
it was either Fox News or NBC Nightly, I listen to both, stated the max penality was 21 years, I bet they change that law
There are extremists in every view.
(although I do wonder what an extreme centrist would sound like lol)
There are assholes in every "group" whether it be political, religious, pro-gay rights, anti-abortion, tree huggers, vegans, gun law advocates, etc.

Some people take an idea, it becomes a passion, and then an obsession and compulsion.. worse than an addict, they not only can't stop themselves, they feel the need to punish others who disagree.

Not all (insert noun) are (insert adjective)

However, as a species we don't learn much from our mistakes and tend to repeat them with a disturbing frequency.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is a quiet idea of a new crusades taking place in the near future by some seriously deranged fatalistic "the end is near" group who want to bring about the end to fulfill their own prophecies.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think that they long for a return to the late 19th Century gilded age where the amount of money that a person had was all that mattered and corporations were all but completely unrestrained. Where racism, xenophobia, and misogyny were mainstream and not marginalized. Where there was essentially a white male Christian mono-culture.
I think that they long for a return to the late 19th Century gilded age where the amount of money that a person had was all that mattered and corporations were all but completely unrestrained. Where racism, xenophobia, and misogyny were mainstream and not marginalized. Where there was essentially a white male Christian mono-culture. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I suspect that Buffyfly, Whirly and Marshall will soon chime in with "ahhhhh, those glorious days of yesteryear!"
I think that they long for a return to the late 19th Century gilded age where the amount of money that a person had was all that mattered and corporations were all but completely unrestrained. Where racism, xenophobia, and misogyny were mainstream and not marginalized. Where there was essentially a white male Christian mono-culture. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Wow. Obama needs to take class warfare lessons from you.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Class warfare has been the lead Republican strategy since at least January 1981. (1972 if you go back to Nixon's Southern Strategy.) They've been waging class warfare and winning. I'm just willing to shoot back.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-25-2011, 05:51 AM
I doubt anybody can comprehend what goes through the mind of such a creature, except to say that his mind and the 9-11 Hyjackers were kindred spirits.

Killing in the name of your God is as evil as you can get. Not only are you committing a Capitol Crime, but you are being so out of your gourde that you think you know the will of God.

I hope he gets to hang with The Ayatolla Komeni, Timothy McVeia, Joe Stalin, Hitler, and any other Human Trash that have found Hell in Death. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well put. The extremists of any religeon or philosophy are all the same, the trappings are just different colors, faiths, etc.

But sadly they ARE often brought to act by--in this case--people claiming to be right wing and christian in their speach. I am not singling out RW & C because hate speach is found in many religeons and other world views. but in the US too much of the hate and "they are ruining society as we know it" DOES come from the RWCs.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well put. The extremists of any religeon or philosophy are all the same, the trappings are just different colors, faiths, etc.

But sadly they ARE often brought to act by--in this case--people claiming to be right wing and christian in their speach. I am not singling out RW & C because hate speach is found in many religeons and other world views. but in the US too much of the hate and "they are ruining society as we know it" DOES come from the RWCs. Originally Posted by Old-T
While the Reverend Jeremiah Wright professes to being a Christian, he would, no doubt, disagree with you if you were to classify him as a “right wing” ideologue.