Welcome to the Hellfire Club

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Our elites cavorted with a pedophile, almost certainly aware of what he was up to. This is how revolutions begin.

there seems to be a pattern by hedonistic politicians and elites to avoid accountability of their actions.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So 20 years ago President Trump said Epstein was a terrific guy.

What was the context of the interview? What was being discussed?

I have a gut feeling that the only reason the NY AG arrested this scumbag was in the hope that he might implicate President Trump in something illegal.

But you say, Bill Clinton will be the big Democrat fish. Trust me, they are more than willing to sacrifice Clinton to get anything on President Trump.

Even if it’s false.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So 20 years ago President Trump said Epstein was a terrific guy.

What was the context of the interview? What was being discussed?

I have a gut feeling that the only reason the NY AG arrested this scumbag was in the hope that he might implicate President Trump in something illegal.

But you say, Bill Clinton will be the big Democrat fish. Trust me, they are more than willing to sacrifice Clinton to get anything on President Trump.

Even if it’s false. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Where am I going with this?


Elitism. Ripe for satire.

No. Trust me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
when one thinks of the hellfire club... they prolly thought it was this:

and not this: (circa 1730)

eccieuser9500's Avatar
i hope you don't mind my improvements to your post??




BAHAHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Of course not. All in good fun.

when one thinks of the hellfire club... they prolly thought it was this:

and not this: (circa 1730)

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm



Devoted to wicked fun and debauchery, for the next two decades, many notable individuals in England counted themselves members, such as the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, Baron George Dodington, member of Parliament Thomas Potter, and, while not a full member, distinguished guest Ben Franklin, who was a friend of Dashwood’s and is known to have attended meetings when in town.

Chappy, the tuxedo picture isn't Ché.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Of course not. All in good fun.




Chappy, the tuxedo picture isn't Ché.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

did i replace it? no i didn't. but i will post a few of Che ..the real Che that is ...

via the revolution!!!

Che's bastard brother

who knew he was in "Planet of the apes"??

and "Aliens"

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The question is, can conservatives channel that outrage into serious reform before it’s too late? Can we call out the fetid, decadent elites within our own ranks? Are we prepared to hold our own “faves” to account—even Trump himself? Alas, it’s only a matter of time until we find out.

Michael Warren Davis is associate editor of the Catholic Herald.
What sort of revolution does he foresee?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What sort of revolution does he foresee?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

the revolution of glory that is capitalism, the savior of humanity and the one true advancement of savages into modern civilization!


eccieuser9500's Avatar

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’



Charities are barred from advancing the self-interests of its executives over the charity’s mission, but the attorney general’s office said in a court filing this year that the foundation had entered into a number of “prohibited self-dealing transactions that directly benefited Mr. Trump or entities that he controlled.”

One transaction was revealed by a note in Mr. Trump’s handwriting that said $100,000 of Trump Foundation money should be directed to another charity to settle a legal dispute between the Town of Palm Beach and Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

Revolution? Or "Devil"ution?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
His majety's university was a business . . . that charged for advice on business . . . that went out of business.

¡Viva la causa!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Revolution? Or "Devil"ution? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you actually thought about the posts you make .. before you make them .. you wouldn't embarrass yourself so much .. and disprove the very point you attempt to make.

you imply the evils of capitalism by showing a video of Charlie Chaplin "forced" to eat his shoe as "proof" of what exactly?

did you know that Chaplin was extremely wealthy .. due to CAPITALISM?


adjusted for inflation .... 400 MILLION dollars. Charlie wasn't eating shoe leather in real life, sparky. more like Filet mignon .. because he could easily afford it.

you disprove your very point with every meme you post. you really should think before you post.

Arya ... gonna pull a Rambro Creed and blame whitey for your poverty? your lack of success?

the world awaits your reply!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
How trivial. If you actually thought that I didn't know Chaplin represented a character I would be offended. If I didn't have such a hightened sense of humor. His persona as "The Tramp" was an iconic symbol for millions around the world who needed to laugh in the face of abject poverty.

Only those with the balls and wit of W.B. Yeats can find humor in the inhumanity happening at The Other Ellis Island. So, as it were, I found myself making a sick and audaciously funny joke in Spanish about crying a big river.

But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Published on Saturday, July 13, 2019 by Project Syndicate

What America Needs to Understand About Capitalism


Market concentration allows a few large multinationals to control an industry, resulting in high prices and excessive executive pay. Big incumbents crush newcomers in order to maintain their market power, and then use excess profits to help elect friendly lawmakers and lobby for policies that support their continued dominance—often undermining the power of popular democratic movements.

Is the drag still a spot for thinkers?

Or have the millennials changed it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How trivial. If you actually thought that I didn't know Chaplin represented a character I would be offended. If I didn't have such a hightened sense of humor. His persona as "The Tramp" was an iconic symbol for millions around the world who needed to laugh in the face of abject poverty.

Only those with the balls and wit of W.B. Yeats can find humor in the inhumanity happening at The Other Ellis Island. So, as it were, I found myself making a sick and audaciously funny joke in Spanish about crying a big river.

Published on Saturday, July 13, 2019 by Project Syndicate

What America Needs to Understand About Capitalism


Is the drag still a spot for thinkers?

Or have the millennials changed it? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

all the while he made MILLIONS making fun of the poor. so who was laughing .. all the way to the bank?

once again you simply hate America and capitalism because you are poor. you must be poor .. because you complain about wealth.

i am a 92% earner. you are not. hate me if you like, i will simply laugh and go swim in my pool. you will now claim your 43 reviews prove you have ample money. compared to what??

do you scrimp and scrape and budget your money to hobby? i don't budget anything. i waste money on meals out, drink expensive scotch and pay mexicans to clean my pool and cut my grass and still invest 3,000 a month into my portfolio so i can retire a millionaire. friendly fred knows my kind well, he's got even more money but he understands being wealthy.

you do not. you hate wealth because it evades you. do you know why? because you never tried to be wealthy. instead you accepted the myth of the "poor oppressed black man" and allowed yourself to be poor.

rise up and be rich. it's not that hard. even a white guy like me can do it. surely you are more capable than me .. right????